Using inelastic proton-proton interactions at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV and 7 TeV, recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC, measurements have been made of the correlations between forward and backward charged-particle multiplicities and, for the first time, between forward and backward charged-particle summed transverse momentum. In addition, jet-like structure in the events is studied by means of azimuthal distributions of charged particles relative to the charged particle with highest transverse momentum in a selected kinematic region of the event. The results are compared with predictions from tunes of the PYTHIA and HERWIG++ Monte Carlo generators, which in most cases are found to provide a reasonable description of the data.
$\sqrt{s} = 900$ GeV, $p_T > 500 $ MeV, $|\eta|<1$.
$\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV, $p_T > 500 $ MeV, $|\eta|<1$.
$\sqrt{s} = 900$ GeV, $p_T > 500 $ MeV, $|\eta|<2$.
The paper presents studies of Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC) for pairs of like-sign charged particles measured in the kinematic range $p_{\rm T}>$ 100 MeV and $|\eta|<$ 2.5 in proton--proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The integrated luminosities are approximately 7 $\mu$b$^{-1}$, 190 $\mu$b$^{-1}$ and 12.4 nb$^{-1}$ for 0.9 TeV, 7 TeV minimum-bias and 7 TeV high-multiplicity data samples, respectively. The multiplicity dependence of the BEC parameters characterizing the correlation strength and the correlation source size are investigated for charged-particle multiplicities of up to 240. A saturation effect in the multiplicity dependence of the correlation source size is observed using the high-multiplicity 7 TeV data sample. The dependence of the BEC parameters on the average transverse momentum of the particle pair is also investigated.
Systematic uncertainties on $\lambda$ and $R$ for the exponential fit of the two-particle double-ratio correlation function $R_{2}(Q)$ in the full kinematic region at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and $7\ TeV$ for minimum-bias and high-multiplicity (HM) events, $n_{ch} \ge 2$ and $n_{ch} \ge 150$, respectively.
Results of fitting the multiplicity, $n_{ch}$, dependence of the BEC parameters $R$ and $\lambda$ with different functional forms for $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and $7\ TeV$. The $n_{ch}$ fit of $R(n_{ch})$ is applied to $7\ TeV$ minimum-bias events at $n_{ch} \le 55$ and to $0.9\ TeV$ minimum-bias events. The constant fit of $R(n_{ch} )$ is applied to $7\ TeV$ minimum-bias events for $n_{ch} > 55$ and to $7\ TeV$ high-multiplicity events. The exponential fit of $\lambda(n_{ch})$ is applied to $7\ TeV$ minimum-bias and high-multiplicity events.The error represent the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Results of fitting the transverse momentum of the pair, $k_{T}$, dependence of the BEC parameters $R$ and $\lambda$ with the exponential fitting function for $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and $7\ TeV$. The error represent the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Measurements of charged particle distributions, sensitive to the underlying event, have been performed with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements are based on data collected using a minimum-bias trigger to select proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 900 GeV and 7 TeV. The 'underlying event' is defined as those aspects of a hadronic interaction attributed not to the hard scattering process, but rather to the accompanying interactions of the rest of the proton. Three regions are defined in azimuthal angle with respect to the highest-pt charged particle in the event, such that the region transverse to the dominant momentum-flow is most sensitive to the underlying event. In each of these regions, distributions of the charged particle multiplicity, pt density, and average pt are measured. The data show a higher underlying event activity than that predicted by Monte Carlo models tuned to pre-LHC data.
Particle Number Density versus Lead Particle PT at centre-of-mass energy 900 GeV.
Particle Number Density versus Lead Particle PT at centre-of-mass energy 7000 GeV.
Particle PT Density versus Lead Particle PT at centre-of-mass energy 900 GeV.
We present a measurement of two-particle angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV and 7 TeV. The collision events were collected during 2009 and 2010 with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using a single-arm minimum bias trigger. Correlations are measured for charged particles produced in the kinematic range of transverse momentum pT > 100 MeV and pseudorapidity |eta| < 2.5. A complex structure in pseudorapidity and azimuth is observed at both collision energies. Results are compared to Pythia 8 and Herwig++ as well as to the AMBT2B, DW and Perugia 2011 tunes of Pythia 6. The data are not satisfactorily described by any of these models.
Corrected two particle RCORR distribution as a function of Delta(ETARAP) obtained by integrating the foreground and background distributions over Delta(PHI) between 0 and PI.
Corrected two particle RCORR distribution as a function of Delta(ETARAP) obtained by integrating the foreground and background distributions over Delta(PHI) between 0 and PI/2.
Corrected two particle RCORR distribution as a function of Delta(ETARAP) obtained by integrating the foreground and background distributions over Delta(PHI) between PI/2 and PI.
The production of Kshort and Lambda hadrons is studied in inelastic pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9 and 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using a minimum-bias trigger. The observed distributions of transverse momentum, rapidity, and multiplicity are corrected to hadron level in a model-independent way within well defined phase-space regions. The distribution of the production ratio of Lambdabar to Lambda baryons is also measured. The results are compared with various Monte Carlo simulation models. Although most of these models agree with data to within 15% in the Kshort distributions, substantial disagreements with data are found in the Lambda distributions of transverse momentum.
The corrected transverse momentum distribution of KS mesons at 7000 GeV.
The corrected rapidity distribution of KS mesons at 7000 GeV.
The corrected multiplicity distribution of KS mesons at 7000 GeV.
This paper presents a measurement of the ordering of charged hadrons in the azimuthal angle relative to the beam axis in high-energy proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A spectral analysis of correlations between longitudinal and transverse components of the momentum of the charged hadrons, driven by the search for phenomena related to the structure of the QCD field, is performed. Data were recorded with the ATLAS detector at centre-of-mass energies of sqrt(s) = 900 GeV and sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. The correlations measured in a phase space region dominated by low-pT particles are not well described by conventional models of hadron production. The measured spectra show features consistent with the fragmentation of a QCD string represented by a helix-like ordered gluon chain.
The corrected data for the power spectra S_E for the three different data samples at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.
The corrected data for the power spectra S_ETA for the three different data samples at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.
The corrected data for the power spectra S_E for the three different data samples at a centre-of-mass energy of 900 GeV.
We present first measurements of charged and neutral particle-flow correlations in pp collisions using the ATLAS calorimeters. Data were collected in 2009 and 2010 at centre-of-mass energies of 900 GeV and 7 TeV. Events were selected using a minimum-bias trigger which required a charged particle in scintillation counters on either side of the interaction point. Particle flows, sensitive to the underlying event, are measured using clusters of energy in the ATLAS calorimeters, taking advantage of their fine granularity. No Monte Carlo generator used in this analysis can accurately describe the measurements. The results are independent of those based on charged particles measured by the ATLAS tracking systems and can be used to constrain the parameters of Monte Carlo generators.
900 GeV Particle density vs. Delta(phi) with leading particle pT > 1 GeV.
900 GeV Particle density vs. Delta(phi) with leading particle pT > 2 GeV.
900 GeV Particle density vs. Delta(phi) with leading particle pT > 3 GeV.
A measurement of the beauty production cross section in ep collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 319 GeV is presented. The data were collected with the H1 detector at the HERA collider in the years 1999-2000. Events are selected by requiring the presence of jets and muons in the final state. Both the long lifetime and the large mass of b-flavoured hadrons are exploited to identify events containing beauty quarks. Differential cross sections are measured in photoproduction, with photon virtualities Q^2 < 1 GeV^2, and in deep inelastic scattering, where 2 < Q^2 < 100 GeV^2. The results are compared with perturbative QCD calculations to leading and next-to-leading order. The predictions are found to be somewhat lower than the data.
Muons and jets from beauty photoproduction, pseudorapidity.
Muons and jets from beauty photoproduction, muon transverse momentum.
Muons and jets from beauty photoproduction, leading jet transverse momentum
Measurements are reported of the production of dijet events with a leading neutron in ep interactions at HERA. Differential cross sections for photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering are presented as a function of several kinematic variables. Leading order QCD simulation programs are compared with the measurements. Models in which the real or virtual photon interacts with a parton of an exchanged pion are able to describe the data. Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations based on pion exchange are found to be in good agreement with the measured cross sections. The fraction of leading neutron dijet events with respect to all dijet events is also determined. The dijet events with a leading neutron have a lower fraction of resolved photon processes than do the inclusive dijet data.
Differential e p photoproduction cross section as a function of the jet transverse energy.
Differential e p photoproduction cross section as a function of JET pseudorapidity.
Differential e p photoproduction cross section as a function of JET X(C=GAMMA).
Measurements are presented of inclusive charm and beauty cross sections in e^+p collisions at HERA for values of photon virtuality Q^2 > 150 GeV^2 and of inelasticity 0.1 < y < 0.7. The charm and beauty fractions are determined using a method based on the impact parameter, in the transverse plane, of tracks to the primary vertex, as measured by the H1 vertex detector. The data are divided into four regions in Q^2 and Bjorken x, and values for the structure functions F_2^{c\bar{c}} and F_2^{b\bar{b}} are obtained. The results are found to be compatible with the predictions of perturbative quantum chromodynamics.
Charm fraction and cross section.
Bottom fraction and cross section.
The measured reduced neutral current charm cross sections and structure functions obtained using the NLO QCD fit correct for FL.