A search is presented for a high mass neutral particle that decays directly to the emu final state. The data sample was recorded by the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC from March to June 2011 and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.07 fb^-1. The data are found to be consistent with the Standard Model background. The high emu mass region is used to set 95% confidence level upper limits on the production of two possible new physics processes: tau sneutrinos in an R-parity violating supersymmetric model and Z'-like vector bosons in a lepton flavor violating model.
Observed and predicted E-MU invariant mass distributions.
Observed and predicted electron PT distributions.
Observed and predicted muon PT distributions.
A first measurement of the inelastic cross-section is presented for proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy sqrt{s}=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. In a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20 mub-1, events are selected by requiring hits on scintillation counters mounted in the forward region of the detector. An inelastic cross-section of $60.3 +/- 2.1 mb is measured for xi > 5x10^-6, where xi=M_X^2/s is calculated from the invariant mass, M_X, of hadrons selected using the largest rapidity gap in the event. For diffractive events this corresponds to requiring at least one of the dissociation masses to be larger than 15.7 GeV.
The measured and extrapolated inelastic cross section. The first error is the experimental error and the second (sys) error is the error in the extrapolation.
This Letter presents the first search for a heavy particle decaying into an e\mu final state in sqrt(s)=7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC. The data were recorded by the ATLAS detector during 2010 and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 35/pb. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation is observed. Exclusions at 95% confidence level are placed on two representative models. In an R-parity violating supersymmetric model, tau sneutrinos with a mass below 0.75 TeV are excluded, assuming single coupling dominance and the couplings lambda'_{311}=0.11, lambda_{312}=0.07. In a lepton flavor violating model, a Z'-like vector boson with masses of 0.70 to 1.00 TeV and corresponding cross sections times branching ratios of 0.175 to 0.183 pb is excluded. These results extend to higher mass RPV sneutrinos and LFV Z's than previous constraints from the Tevatron.
Observed e-mu invariant mass distribution.
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the cross section for p p --> sneutrino x BR(sneutrino -> e-mu) as a function of the sneutrino mass.
The 95% CL upper limits on the Lambda311 coupling as a function of the sneutrino mass, for threee values of Lambda312.
This Letter reports on a first measurement of the inclusive W+jets cross section in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV at the LHC, with the ATLAS detector. Cross sections, in both the electron and muon decay modes of the W boson, are presented as a function of jet multiplicity and of the transverse momentum of the leading and next-to-leading jets in the event. Measurements are also presented of the ratio of cross sections sigma(W+ \ge n) / sigma(W+ \ge n-1) for inclusive jet multiplicities n=1-4. The results, based on an integrated luminosity of 1.3 pb-1, have been corrected for all known detector effects and are quoted in a limited and well-defined range of jet and lepton kinematics. The measured cross sections are compared to particle-level predictions based on perturbative QCD. Next-to-leading order calculations, studied here for n \le 2, are found in good agreement with the data. Leading-order multiparton event generators, normalized to the NNLO total cross section, describe the data well for all measured jet multiplicities.
The measured cross section times branching ratio for W+jets in the electron channel as a function of corrected jet multiplicity.
The measured cross section times branching ratio for W+jets in the muon channel as a function of corrected jet multiplicity.
The measured cross section ratio for W+jets in the electron channel as a function of corrected jet multiplicity.
The results of a search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum and heavy flavour jets using an integrated luminosity corresponding to 2.05 fb^-1 of pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are reported. No significant excess is observed with respect to the prediction for Standard Model processes. Results are interpreted in a variety of R-parity conserving models in which scalar bottoms and tops are the only scalar quarks to appear in the gluino decay cascade, and in an SO(10) model framework. Gluino masses up to 600-900 GeV are excluded, depending on the model considered.
Acceptance in the GLUINO-NEUTRALINO plane in the Gbb model for the 1 btag signal region with Meff > 500 GeV.
Acceptance in the GLUINO-NEUTRALINO plane in the Gbb model for the 2 btags signal region with Meff > 500 GeV.
Acceptance in the GLUINO-NEUTRALINO plane in the Gbb model for the 1 btag signal region with Meff > 700 GeV.
This paper reports a measurement of D*+/- meson production in jets from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The measurement is based on a data sample recorded with the ATLAS detector with an integrated luminosity of 0.30 pb^-1 for jets with transverse momentum between 25 and 70 GeV in the pseudorapidity range |eta| < 2.5. D*+/- mesons found in jets are fully reconstructed in the decay chain: D*+ -> D0pi+, D0 -> K-pi+, and its charge conjugate. The production rate is found to be N(D*+/-)/N(jet) = 0.025 +/- 0.001(stat.) +/- 0.004(syst.) for D*+/- mesons that carry a fraction z of the jet momentum in the range 0.3 < z < 1. Monte Carlo predictions fail to describe the data at small values of z, and this is most marked at low jet transverse momentum.
Percentage D*+- production rate R in Z and PT bins.
Percentage D*+- production rate R integrated over jet PT 25-70 GeV as a function of Z.
D*+- production rate R integrated over jet PT=25-70 GeV and Z=0.3-1.0.
The inclusive J/psi production cross-section and fraction of J/psi mesons produced in B-hadron decays are measured in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity of the J/psi, using 2.3 pb-1 of integrated luminosity. The cross-section is measured from a minimum pT of 1 GeV to a maximum of 70 GeV and for rapidities within |y| < 2.4 giving the widest reach of any measurement of J/psi production to date. The differential production cross-sections of prompt and non-prompt J/psi are separately determined and are compared to Colour Singlet NNLO*, Colour Evaporation Model, and FONLL predictions.
Total cross section for inclusive andd non-prompt J/PSI (-> MU+MU-) production in the range |y| < 2.4 and pT > 7 GeV under the FLAT (ie isotropic) production scenario. The second (sys) error is the uncertainty assoicated with the spin and the third is the luminosity uncertainty.
Total cross section for inclusive and non-prompt J/PSI (-> MU+MU-) production in the range 1.5 < |y| < 2 and pT > 1 GeV under the FLAT (ie isotropic) production scenario. The second (sys) error is the uncertainty assoicated with the spin and the third is the luminosity uncertainty.
Inclusive J/psi production cross-section as a function of J/psi pT in the J/psi rapidity (|y|) bin 2<|y|<2.4. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic and the third encapsulates any possible variation due to spin-alignment from the unpolarised central value.
This paper presents a search for the t-channel exchange of an R-parity violating scalar top quark (\={t}) in the emu continuum using 2.1/fb of data collected by the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. Data are found to be consistent with the expectation from the Standard Model backgrounds. Limits on R-parity-violating couplings at 95% C.L. are calculated as a function of the scalar top mass (m_{\={t}}). The upper limits on the production cross section for pp->emuX, through the t-channel exchange of a scalar top quark, ranges from 170 fb for m_{\={t}}=95 GeV to 30 fb for m_{\={t}}=1000 GeV.
The observed E-MU invariant mass distribution plus SM background and signal predicitons for a n stop mass of 95 GeV.
Information about the signal samples used.
The ratios of the observed and expected upper cross section limits to the theoretical cross sections as a function of the scalar top mass.
A search for events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least two tau leptons has been performed using 2 fb^-1 of proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation is observed and a 95% CL visible cross section upper limit for new phenomena is set. A 95% CL lower limit of 32 TeV is set on the GMSB breaking scale Lambda independent of tan(beta). These limits provide the most stringent tests to date in a large part of the considered parameter space.
The observed PT spectrum of the leading TAU candidates and the estimated SM background after pre-selection of candidate events, soft multi-jet rejection and the requirement of two or more TAUS and no light leptons.
The distribution of the effective mass of the two leading TAU candidates in data (with statistical uncertainties only) and the estimated SM background after pre-selection of candidate events, soft multi-jet rejection and the requirement of two or more TAUS and no light leptons.
The distribution of the sum of the transverse masses of the two leading TAU candidates in data (with statistical uncertainties only) and the estimated SM background after pre-selection of candidate events, soft multi-jet rejection and the requirement of two or more TAUS and no light leptons.
Pseudorapidity gap distributions in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are studied using a minimum bias data sample with an integrated luminosity of 7.1 inverse microbarns. Cross sections are measured differentially in terms of Delta eta F, the larger of the pseudorapidity regions extending to the limits of the ATLAS sensitivity, at eta = +/- 4.9, in which no final state particles are produced above a transverse momentum threshold p_T Cut. The measurements span the region 0 < Delta eta F < 8 for 200 < p_T Cut < 800 MeV. At small Delta eta F, the data test the reliability of hadronisation models in describing rapidity and transverse momentum fluctuations in final state particle production. The measurements at larger gap sizes are dominated by contributions from the single diffractive dissociation process (pp -> Xp), enhanced by double dissociation (pp -> XY) where the invariant mass of the lighter of the two dissociation systems satisfies M_Y <~ 7 GeV. The resulting cross section is d sigma / d Delta eta F ~ 1 mb for Delta eta F >~ 3. The large rapidity gap data are used to constrain the value of the pomeron intercept appropriate to triple Regge models of soft diffraction. The cross section integrated over all gap sizes is compared with other LHC inelastic cross section measurements.
The inelastic cross section differential in the forward rapidity gap size, DELTA(C=RAPGAP) for a maximum observed particle transverse momentum of 200 MeV in the gap.
The inelastic cross section differential in the forward rapidity gap size, DELTA(C=RAPGAP) for a maximum observed particle transverse momentum of 400 MeV in the gap.
The inelastic cross section differential in the forward rapidity gap size, DELTA(C=RAPGAP) for a maximum observed particle transverse momentum of 600 MeV in the gap.