Measurements of the yield and nuclear modification factor, $R_\mathrm{ AA}$, for inclusive jet production are performed using 0.49 nb$^{-1}$ of Pb+Pb data at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV and 25 pb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ data at $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with radius parameter $R=0.4$ and are measured over the transverse momentum range of 40-1000 GeV in six rapidity intervals covering $|y|<2.8$. The magnitude of $R_\mathrm{ AA}$ increases with increasing jet transverse momentum, reaching a value of approximately 0.6 at 1 TeV in the most central collisions. The magnitude of $R_\mathrm{ AA}$ also increases towards peripheral collisions. The value of $R_\mathrm{ AA}$ is independent of rapidity at low jet transverse momenta, but it is observed to decrease with increasing rapidity at high transverse momenta.
The ⟨TAA⟩ and ⟨Npart⟩ values and their uncertainties in each centrality bin.
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No description provided.
Measurements of the centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV proton--lead ($p$+Pb) collisions and the jet cross-section in $\sqrt{s} = 2.76$ TeV proton--proton collisions are presented. These quantities are measured in datasets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.8 nb$^{-1}$ and 4.0 pb$^{-1}$, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2013. The $p$+Pb collision centrality was characterised using the total transverse energy measured in the pseudorapidity interval $-4.9 < \eta < -3.2$ in the direction of the lead beam. Results are presented for the double-differential per-collision yields as a function of jet rapidity and transverse momentum ($p_\mathrm{T}$) for minimum-bias and centrality-selected $p$+Pb collisions, and are compared to the jet rate from the geometric expectation. The total jet yield in minimum-bias events is slightly enhanced above the expectation in a $p_\mathrm{T}$-dependent manner but is consistent with the expectation within uncertainties. The ratios of jet spectra from different centrality selections show a strong modification of jet production at all $p_\mathrm{T}$ at forward rapidities and for large $p_\mathrm{T}$ at mid-rapidity, which manifests as a suppression of the jet yield in central events and an enhancement in peripheral events. These effects imply that the factorisation between hard and soft processes is violated at an unexpected level in proton-nucleus collisions. Furthermore, the modifications at forward rapidities are found to be a function of the total jet energy only, implying that the violations may have a simple dependence on the hard parton-parton kinematics.
The $R_{\mathrm{coll}}$ and $T_{p\mathrm{A}}$ values and their uncertainties in each centrality bin.
Per-event jet yields in 0-90% p+Pb collisions, within the centre of mass rapidity -2.1 to -1.2 (positive denotes downstream proton direction).
Per-event jet yields in 0-90% p+Pb collisions, within the centre of mass rapidity -1.2 to -0.8 (positive denotes downstream proton direction).
Measurements of inclusive jet production are performed in $pp$ and Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.0 $\mathrm{pb}^{-1}$ and 0.14 $\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$, respectively. The jets are identified with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$, and the spectra are measured over the kinematic range of jet transverse momentum $32 < p_{\mathrm{T}} < 500$ GeV, and absolute rapidity $|y| < 2.1$ and as a function of collision centrality. The nuclear modification factor, $R_{\mathrm{AA}}$, is evaluated and jets are found to be suppressed by approximately a factor of two in central collisions compared to $pp$ collisions. The $R_{\mathrm{AA}}$ shows a slight increase with $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ and no significant variation with rapidity.
The $\langle T_{\mathrm{AA}} \rangle $ and $\langle N_{\mathrm{part}} \rangle$ values and their uncertainties in each centrality bin.
No description provided.
No description provided.