Infrared and collinear safe event shape distributions and their mean values are determined in e+e- collisions at centre-of-mass energies between 45 and 202 GeV. A phenomenological analysis based on power correction models including hadron mass effects for both differential distributions and mean values is presented. Using power corrections, alpha_s is extracted from the mean values and shapes. In an alternative approach, renormalisation group invariance (RGI) is used as an explicit constraint, leading to a consistent description of mean values without the need for sizeable power corrections. The QCD beta-function is precisely measured using this approach. From the DELPHI data on Thrust, including data from low energy experiments, one finds beta_0 = 7.86 +/- 0.32 for the one loop coefficient of the beta-function or, assuming QCD, n_f = 4.75 +/- 0.44 for the number of active flavours. These values agree well with the QCD expectation of beta_0=7.67 and n_f=5. A direct measurement of the full logarithmic energy slope excludes light gluinos with a mass below 5 GeV.
1-THRUST distribution.
THRUST-MAJOR distribution.
THRUST-MINOR distribution.
Infrared and collinear safe event shape distributions and their mean values are determined using the data taken at five different centre of mass energies above M Z with the DELPHI detector at LEP. From the event shapes, the strong coupling α s is extracted in O ( α s 2 ), NLLA and a combined scheme using hadronisation corrections evaluated with fragmentation model generators as well as using an analytical power ansatz. Comparing these measurements to those obtained at M Z , the energy dependence (running) of α s is accessible. The logarithmic energy slope of the inverse strong coupling is measured to be d α −1 s d log (E cm ) =1.39±0.34( stat )±0.17( syst ) , in good agreement with the QCD expectation of 1.27.
Moments of the (1-THRUST) distributions at cm energies 133, 161, 172 and 183 GeV.
Moments of the Thrust Major distributions at cm energies 133, 161, 172 and 183 GeV.
Moments of the Thrust Minor distributions at cm energies 133, 161, 172 and 183 GeV.
Event shape and charged particle inclusive distributions are measured using 750000 decays of the Z to hadrons from the DELPHI detector at LEP. These precise data allow a decisive confrontation with models of the hadronization process. Improved tunings of the JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG parton shower models and the JETSET matrix element model are obtained by fitting the models to these DELPHI data as well as to identified particle distributions from all LEP experiments. The description of the data distributions by the models is critically reviewed with special importance attributed to identified particles.
Transverse momentum PTIN w.r.t. the Thrust axis. For the first table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged particles corrected to final state particles. For the second table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged plus neutral particles corrected to final state charged plus neutral particles.
Transverse momentum PTOUT w.r.t. the Thrust axis. For the first table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged particles corrected to final state particles. For the second table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged plus neutral particles corrected to final state charged plus neutral particles.
Transverse momentum PTIN w.r.t. the Sphericity axis. For the first table Sphericity axis definition is from seen charged particles corrected to final state particles. For the second table Sphericity axis definition is from seen charged plus neutral particles corrected to final state charged plus neutral particles.
Hadronic decays of Z 0 bosons are studied in the Delphi detector. Global event variables and singel particles inclusive distributions are compared with QCD-based predictions. The mean charged multiplicity is found to be 20.6±1.0 (stat+syst). The mean values of the sphericity, aplanarity, thrust, minor value, p in T and p out T are compared with values found at lower energy e + e − colliders.
Corrected Sphericity distribution. Statistical errors only.
Corrected Aplanarity distribution. Statistical errors only.
Corrected Q3-Q2 distribution. Statistical errors only.