The interaction of virtual photons is investigated using the reaction e+e- -> e+e- hadrons based on data taken by the OPAL experiment at e+e- centre-of-mass energies sqrt(s_ee)=189-209 GeV, for W>5 GeV and at an average Q^2 of 17.9 GeV^2. The measured cross-sections are compared to predictions of the Quark Parton Model (QPM), to the Leading Order QCD Monte Carlo model PHOJET to the NLO prediction for the reaction e+e- -> e+e-qqbar, and to BFKL calculations. PHOJET, NLO e+e- -> e+e-qqbar, and QPM describe the data reasonably well, whereas the cross-section predicted by a Leading Order BFKL calculation is too large.
Total cross section in the given phase space and assuming ALPHA = 1/137.
Differential cross section as a function of X where X is the maximum value of X1 or X2, the upper and lower vertex values.
Differential cross section as a function of Q**2 where Q**2 is the maximum value of Q1**2 or Q2**2, the upper and lower vertex values.