The measurement of the production of ${\rm f}_{0}(980)$ in inelastic pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV is presented. This is the first reported measurement of inclusive ${\rm f}_{0}(980)$ yield at LHC energies. The production is measured at midrapidity, $|y| < 0.5$, in a wide transverse momentum range, $0 < p_{\rm T} < 16$ GeV/$c$, by reconstructing the resonance in the ${\rm f}_{0}(980) \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ hadronic decay channel using the ALICE detector. The $p_{\rm T}$-differential yields are compared to those of pions, protons and $\phi$ mesons as well as to predictions from the HERWIG 7.2 QCD-inspired Monte Carlo event generator and calculations from a coalescence model that uses the AMPT model as an input. The ratio of the $p_{\rm T}$-integrated yield of ${\rm f}_{0}(980)$ relative to pions is compared to measurements in ${\rm e}^{+}{\rm e}^{-}$ and pp collisions at lower energies and predictions from statistical hadronisation models and HERWIG 7.2. A mild collision energy dependence of the ${\rm f}_{0}(980)$ to pion production is observed in pp collisions from SPS to LHC energies. All considered models underpredict the $p_{\rm T}$-integrated $2{\rm f}_{0}(980)/(\pi^{+}+\pi^{-})$ ratio. The prediction from the canonical statistical hadronisation model assuming a zero total strangeness content of ${\rm f}_{0}(980)$ is consistent with the data within 1.9$\sigma$ and is the closest to the data. The results provide an essential reference for future measurements of the particle yield and nuclear modification in p$-$Pb and Pb$-$Pb collisions, which have been proposed to be instrumental to probe the elusive nature and quark composition of the ${\rm f}_{0}(980)$ scalar meson.
$p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $f_{0}(980)$ at midrapidity in the inelastic pp collisions at $\sqrt(s)$ = 5.02 TeV. The uncertainty 'syst' indicates the total systematic uncertainty and 'stat' indicates the statistical uncertainty. The branching ratio correction amounts to BR = (46 $\pm$ 6)% [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 no. 6, (2013) 062001] assuming dominance of $\pi\pi$ and KK channel has been applied to the $p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $f_{0}(980)$. The normalisation and branching ratio relative uncertainties on the yields are independent of $p_{\rm{T}}$ and amount to 2.5% and 13%, respectively and therefore not included in the $p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $f_{0}(980)$.
$p_{\rm T}$-integrated yield of $f_{0}(980)$, dN/dy at midrapidity as a function of $\langle {\rm d}N_{\rm ch}/{\rm d}\eta \rangle$. The uncertainty 'syst' indicates the total systematic uncertainty on the measurement. The branching ratio correction amounts to BR = (46 $\pm$ 6)% [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 no. 6, (2013) 062001] assuming dominance of $\pi\pi$ and KK channel has been applied to the $p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $f_{0}(980)$. Here, the branching ratio relative uncertainty (13%) for $f_{0}(980)$ is not included.
mean-$p_{\rm{T}}$ of $f_{0}(980)$, (<$p_{\rm{T}}$>) at midrapidity as a function of $\langle {\rm d}N_{\rm ch}/{\rm d}\eta \rangle$. The uncertainty 'syst' indicates the total systematic uncertainty on the measurement.
The production yield of the $\Lambda(1520)$ baryon resonance is measured at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the $\Lambda(1520)\rightarrow {\rm pK}^{-}$ (and charge conjugate) hadronic decay channel as a function of the transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) and collision centrality. The $p_{\rm T}$-integrated production rate of $\Lambda(1520)$ relative to $\Lambda$ in central collisions is suppressed by about a factor of 2 with respect to peripheral collisions. This is the first observation of the suppression of a baryonic resonance at LHC and the first evidence of $\Lambda(1520)$ suppression in heavy-ion collisions. The measured $\Lambda(1520)/\Lambda$ ratio in central collisions is smaller than the value predicted by the statistical hadronisation model calculations. The shape of the measured $p_{\rm T}$ distribution and the centrality dependence of the suppression are reproduced by the EPOS3 Monte Carlo event generator. The measurement adds further support to the formation of a dense hadronic phase in the final stages of the evolution of the fireball created in heavy-ion collisions, lasting long enough to cause a significant reduction in the observable yield of short-lived resonances.
$p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $\Lambda$(1520) (sum of particle and anti-particle states) at midrapidity in the 0-20% centrality class. The uncertainty 'syst,uncorrelated' indicates the systematic uncertainty after removing the contributions common to all centrality classes
$p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $\Lambda$(1520) (sum of particle and anti-particle states) at midrapidity in the 20-50% centrality class. The uncertainty 'syst,uncorrelated' indicates the systematic uncertainty after removing the contributions common to all centrality classes
$p_{\rm T}$-differential yields of $\Lambda$(1520) (sum of particle and anti-particle states) at midrapidity in the 50-80% centrality class. The uncertainty 'syst,uncorrelated' indicates the systematic uncertainty after removing the contributions common to all centrality classes