Global transverse energy distributions in Si + Al, Au at 14.6-A/GeV/c and Au + Au at 11.6-A.GeV/c

The E-802 collaboration Ahle, L. ; Akiba, Y. ; Beavis, D. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 332 (1994) 258-264, 1994.
Inspire Record 374156 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.28663

Measurements of the global transverse energy distributions dσ / dE T and dE T / dη using the new AGS beam of 197 Au at 11.6 A GeV/ c on a Au target, as well as a beam of 28 Si at 14.6 A GeV/ c on Al and Au targets, are presented for a leadglass detector with acceptance 1.3 ≤ η ≤ 2.4 and 0 ≤ φ < 2 π . The dσ / dE T spectra are observed to have different shapes for the different systems and simple energy rescaling does not account for the projectile dependence. The Au+Au dσ / dE T spectrum is satisfactorily constructed from the upper edge of Si+Au by the geometric Wounded Projectile Nucleon Model after applying a correction for the beam energy.

6 data tables

Incident energy is 14.6 GeV/nucleon.

Incident energy is 14.6 GeV/nucleon.

Incident energy is 11.6 GeV/nucleon.
