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J/psi Production in sqrt (s_NN)= 200 GeV Cu+Cu Collisions

The PHENIX collaboration Adare, A. ; Afanasiev, S. ; Aidala, Christine Angela ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 (2008) 122301, 2008.
Inspire Record 776624 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57327

Yields for J/psi production in Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt (s_NN)= 200 GeV have been measured by the PHENIX experiment over the rapidity range |y| < 2.2 at transverse momenta from 0 to beyond 5 GeV/c. The invariant yield is obtained as a function of rapidity, transverse momentum and collision centrality, and compared with results in p+p and Au+Au collisions at the same energy. The Cu+Cu data provide greatly improved precision over existing Au+Au data for J/psi production in collisions with small to intermediate numbers of participants, providing a key constraint that is needed for disentangling cold and hot nuclear matter effects.

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Centrality dependence of charged particle multiplicity in Au Au collisions at s(N N)**(1/2) = 130-GeV.

The PHENIX collaboration Adcox, K. ; Adler, S.S. ; Ajitanand, N.N. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 3500-3505, 2001.
Inspire Record 539140 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50270

We present results for the charged-particle multiplicity distribution at mid-rapidity in Au - Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=130 GeV measured with the PHENIX detector at RHIC. For the 5% most central collisions we find $dN_{ch}/d\eta_{|\eta=0} = 622 \pm 1 (stat) \pm 41 (syst)$. The results, analyzed as a function of centrality, show a steady rise of the particle density per participating nucleon with centrality.

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Centrality dependence of charm production from single electrons measurement in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The PHENIX collaboration Adler, S.S. ; Afanasiev, S. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 94 (2005) 082301, 2005.
Inspire Record 660611 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57254

The PHENIX experiment has measured mid-rapidity transverse momentum spectra (0.4 < p_T < 4.0 GeV/c) of single electrons as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. Contributions to the raw spectra from photon conversions and Dalitz decays of light neutral mesons are measured by introducing a thin (1.7% X_0) converter into the PHENIX acceptance and are statistically removed. The subtracted ``non-photonic'' electron spectra are primarily due to the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons containing heavy quarks (charm and bottom). For all centralities, charm production is found to scale with the nuclear overlap function, T_AA. For minimum-bias collisions the charm cross section per binary collision is N_cc^bar/T_AA = 622 +/- 57 (stat.) +/- 160 (sys.) microbarns.

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J/psi production in Au Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.

The PHENIX collaboration Adler, S.S. ; Afanasiev, S. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 69 (2004) 014901, 2004.
Inspire Record 619646 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57253

First results on charm quarkonia production in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) are presented. The yield of J/Psi's measured in the PHENIX experiment via electron-positron decay pairs at mid-rapidity for Au-Au reactions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV are analyzed as a function of collision centrality. For this analysis we have studied 49.3 million minimum bias Au-Au reactions. We present the J/Psi invariant yield dN/dy for peripheral and mid-central reactions. For the most central collisions where we observe no signal above background, we quote 90% confidence level upper limits. We compare these results with our J/Psi measurement from proton-proton reactions at the same energy. We find that our measurements are not consistent with models that predict strong enhancement relative to binary collision scaling.

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J/psi production vs centrality, transverse momentum, and rapidity in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The PHENIX collaboration Adare, A. ; Afanasiev, S. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 98 (2007) 232301, 2007.
Inspire Record 731670 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57282

The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has measured J/psi production for rapidities 2.2 < y < 2.2 in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. The J/psi invariant yield and nuclear modification factor R_AA as a function of centrality, transverse momentum and rapidity are reported. A suppression of J/psi relative to binary collision scaling of proton-proton reaction yields is observed. Models which describe the lower energy J/Psi data at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) invoking only J/psi destruction based on the local medium density would predict a significantly larger suppression at RHIC and more suppression at mid rapidity than at forward rapidity. Both trends are contradicted by our data.

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Nuclear modification of electron spectra and implications for heavy quark energy loss in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The PHENIX collaboration Adler, S.S. ; Afanasiev, S. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) 032301, 2006.
Inspire Record 695305 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57257

The PHENIX experiment has measured mid-rapidity transverse momentum spectra (0.4 < p_T < 5.0 GeV/c) of electrons as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV. Contributions from photon conversions and from light hadron decays, mainly Dalitz decays of pi^0 and eta mesons, were removed. The resulting non-photonic electron spectra are primarily due to the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons carrying heavy quarks. Nuclear modification factors were determined by comparison to non-photonic electrons in p+p collisions. A significant suppression of electrons at high p_T is observed in central Au+Au collisions, indicating substantial energy loss of heavy quarks.

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Transverse-energy distributions at midrapidity in $p$$+$$p$, $d$$+$Au, and Au$+$Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=62.4$--200~GeV and implications for particle-production models

The PHENIX collaboration Adler, S.S. ; Afanasiev, S. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 89 (2014) 044905, 2014.
Inspire Record 1273625 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.63512

Measurements of the midrapidity transverse energy distribution, $d\Et/d\eta$, are presented for $p$$+$$p$, $d$$+$Au, and Au$+$Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$ GeV and additionally for Au$+$Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=62.4$ and 130 GeV. The $d\Et/d\eta$ distributions are first compared with the number of nucleon participants $N_{\rm part}$, number of binary collisions $N_{\rm coll}$, and number of constituent-quark participants $N_{qp}$ calculated from a Glauber model based on the nuclear geometry. For Au$+$Au, $\mean{d\Et/d\eta}/N_{\rm part}$ increases with $N_{\rm part}$, while $\mean{d\Et/d\eta}/N_{qp}$ is approximately constant for all three energies. This indicates that the two component ansatz, $dE_{T}/d\eta \propto (1-x) N_{\rm part}/2 + x N_{\rm coll}$, which has been used to represent $E_T$ distributions, is simply a proxy for $N_{qp}$, and that the $N_{\rm coll}$ term does not represent a hard-scattering component in $E_T$ distributions. The $dE_{T}/d\eta$ distributions of Au$+$Au and $d$$+$Au are then calculated from the measured $p$$+$$p$ $E_T$ distribution using two models that both reproduce the Au$+$Au data. However, while the number-of-constituent-quark-participant model agrees well with the $d$$+$Au data, the additive-quark model does not.

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