eta' photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 1.527-GeV to 2.227-GeV.

The CLAS collaboration Dugger, M. ; Ball, J.P. ; Collins, P. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) 062001, 2006.
Inspire Record 700399 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.31553

Differential cross sections for the reaction gamma p -> eta-prime p have been measured with the CLAS spectrometer and a tagged photon beam with energies from 1.527 to 2.227 GeV. The results reported here possess much greater accuracy than previous measurements. Analyses of these data indicate for the first time the coupling of the etaprime N channel to both the S_11(1535) and P_11(1710) resonances, known to couple strongly to the eta N channel in photoproduction on the proton, and the importance of j=3/2 resonances in the process.

5 data tables

Differential cross sections for ETAPRIME photoproduction on the proton at photon energies 1.527, 1.577 and 1.627 GeV. The errors shown are combined statistical and systematic.

Differential cross sections for ETAPRIME photoproduction on the proton at photon energies 1.677, 1.728 and 1.779 GeV. The errors shown are combined statistical and systematic.

Differential cross sections for ETAPRIME photoproduction on the proton at photon energies 1.829, 1.879 and 1.930 GeV. The errors shown are combined statistical and systematic.
