Measurement of the $x$- and $Q^2$-Dependence of the Asymmetry $A_1$ on the Nucleon

The CLAS collaboration Dharmawardane, K.V. ; Kuhn, S.E. ; Bosted, Peter E. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 641 (2006) 11-17, 2006.
Inspire Record 717523 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.6726

We report results for the virtual photon asymmetry $A_1$ on the nucleon from new Jefferson Lab measurements. The experiment, which used the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer and longitudinally polarized proton ($^{15}$NH$_3$) and deuteron ($^{15}$ND$_3$) targets, collected data with a longitudinally polarized electron beam at energies between 1.6 GeV and 5.7 GeV. In the present paper, we concentrate on our results for $A_1(x,Q^2)$ and the related ratio $g_1/F_1(x,Q^2)$ in the resonance and the deep inelastic regions for our lowest and highest beam energies, covering a range in momentum transfer $Q^2$ from 0.05 to 5.0 GeV$^2$ and in final-state invariant mass $W$ up to about 3 GeV. Our data show detailed structure in the resonance region, which leads to a strong $Q^2$--dependence of $A_1(x,Q^2)$ for $W$ below 2 GeV. At higher $W$, a smooth approach to the scaling limit, established by earlier experiments, can be seen, but $A_1(x,Q^2)$ is not strictly $Q^2$--independent. We add significantly to the world data set at high $x$, up to $x = 0.6$. Our data exceed the SU(6)-symmetric quark model expectation for both the proton and the deuteron while being consistent with a negative $d$-quark polarization up to our highest $x$. This data setshould improve next-to-leading order (NLO) pQCD fits of the parton polarization distributions.

306 data tables

A1 and g1/F1 for the P target at incident energy 1.6000 GeV and W = 1.1300 GeV.

A1 and g1/F1 for the P target at incident energy 1.6000 GeV and W = 1.1500 GeV.

A1 and g1/F1 for the P target at incident energy 1.6000 GeV and W = 1.1700 GeV.


Measurement of the proton spin structure function g1(x,Q**2) for Q**2 from 0.15-GeV**2 to 1.6-GeV**2 with CLAS.

The CLAS collaboration Fatemi, R. ; Skabelin, A.V. ; Burkert, V.D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 (2003) 222002, 2003.
Inspire Record 621221 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.41917

Double-polarization asymmetries for inclusive $ep$ scattering were measured at Jefferson Lab using 2.6 and 4.3 GeV longitudinally polarized electrons incident on a longitudinally polarized NH$_3$ target in the CLAS detector. The polarized structure function $g_1(x,Q^2)$ was extracted throughout the nucleon resonance region and into the deep inelastic regime, for $Q^2 = 0.15 -1.64 $GeV$^2$. The contributions to the first moment $\Gamma_1(Q^2) = \int g_1(x,Q^2)dx$ were determined up to $Q^2=1.2$ GeV$^2$. Using a parametrization for $g_1$ in the unmeasured low $x$ regions, the complete first moment was estimated over this $Q^2$ region. A rapid change in $\Gamma_1$ is observed for $Q^2 < 1 $GeV$^2$, with a sign change near $Q^2 = 0.3 $GeV$^2$, indicating dominant contributions from the resonance region. At $Q^2=1.2$ GeV$^2$ our data are below the pQCD evolved scaling value.

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The measured photon asymmetry (A1+ETA*A2) for the Q**2 region 0.15 to 0.22 GeV**2 obtained with a beam energy of 2.6 GeV.

The measured photon asymmetry (A1+ETA*A2) for the Q**2 region 0.6 to 1.10 GeV**2 obtained with a beam energy of 4.3 GeV.

The polarized structure function G1 as a function of Bjorken X for the Q**2range 0.15 to 0.27 GeV.


Measurement of inclusive spin structure functions of the deuteron with CLAS.

The CLAS collaboration Yun, J. ; Kuhn, S.E. ; Dodge, G.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 67 (2003) 055204, 2003.
Inspire Record 604799 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.41972

We report the results of a new measurement of spin structure functions of the deuteron in the region of moderate momentum transfer ($Q^2$ = 0.27 -- 1.3 (GeV/c)$^2$) and final hadronic state mass in the nucleon resonance region ($W$ = 1.08 -- 2.0 GeV). We scattered a 2.5 GeV polarized continuous electron beam at Jefferson Lab off a dynamically polarized cryogenic solid state target ($^{15}$ND$_3$) and detected the scattered electrons with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). From our data, we extract the longitudinal double spin asymmetry $A_{||}$ and the spin structure function $g_1^d$. Our data are generally in reasonable agreement with existing data from SLAC where they overlap, and they represent a substantial improvement in statistical precision. We compare our results with expectations for resonance asymmetries and extrapolated deep inelastic scaling results. Finally, we evaluate the first moment of the structure function $g_1^d$ and study its approach to both the deep inelastic limit at large $Q^2$ and to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the real photon limit ($Q^2 \to 0$). We find that the first moment varies rapidly in the $Q^2$ range of our experiment and crosses zero at $Q^2$ between 0.5 and 0.8 (GeV/c)$^2$, indicating the importance of the $\Delta$ resonance at these momentum transfers.

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The measured virtual photon asymmetry (A1D+ETA*A2D) for the Q** region 0.27to 0.39 GeV**2.

The measured virtual photon asymmetry (A1D+ETA*A2D) for the Q** region 0.39to 0.65 GeV**2.

The measured virtual photon asymmetry (A1D+ETA*A2D) for the Q** region 0.65to 1.3 GeV**2.
