Final data measured with the EMC forward spectrometer are presented on the production of forward charged hadrons in μp and μd scattering at incident beam energies between 100 and 280 GeV. The large statistic of 373 000 events allows a study of the semi-inclusive hadron production as a function ofz,pT2 and 〈pT2〉 in smallQ2,xBj andW bins. Charge multiplicity ratios and differences as a function ofz andxBj are given forp, d andn-targets. From the differences of charge multiplicities the ratio of the valence quark distributions of the protondv(x)/uv(x) is determined for the first time in charged lepton scattering. The Gronau et al. sum rule is tested, the measured sum being 0.31±0.06 stat. ±0.05 syst., compared with the theoretical expectation of 2/7≈0.286. The measured sum corresponds to an absolute value of the ratio of thed andu quark charge of 0.44±0.10 stat.±0.08 syst.
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The energy distribution of inclusive hadrons produced by 280 GeV muons on hydrogen and deuterium targets are compared. The sum of the scaled energy distributions of the positive and negative hadrons is found to be the same for the two targets. The difference of these distributions is observed to factorise inx andz and thez-dependence is found to be independent of the target type and have a form (1−z)2.1±0.2. The net charge of the hadronic jet is positive at highx even in the case when the scattering takes place on the neutron. These results are in good agreement with the expectations of the Quark Parton Model.
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The x and Q 2 dependence of the single photon exchange cross section d 2 σ /d Q 2 d x and the proton structure functions F 2 ( x , Q 2 ) and R ( x , Q 2 ) have been measured in deep inelastic muon proton scattering in the region 0.02 < x < 0.8 and 3 < Q 2 < 190 GeV 2 . By comparing data at different incident muon energies R was found to have little kinematic dependence and an average value of −0.010 ± 0.037 (stat.) ± 0.102 (stat.). The observed deviations from scaling gave the value of Λ MS , the QCD mass scale parameter, to be 105 −45 +55 (stat.) −45 +85 (syst.) MeV. The fraction of the momentum of the nucleon carried by gluons was found to be ∼56% at Q 2 ∼22.5 GeV 2 . It is shown that to obtain a description of the data for F 2 ( x , Q 2 ) together with that measured in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at lower Q 2 it is necessary to include additional higher twist contributions. The value of Λ MS remains unchanged with the inclusion of these contributions which were found to have an x -dependence of the form x 3 /(1 − x ).
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The cross sections for J ψ production have been measured in interactions of 280 GeV μ + on hydrogen and deuterium (H, D) and also in interactions of 250 GeV μ + on iron. The single-nucleon cross sections in iron are found to be larger than those in H, D. The mean ratio of the iron to H, D photoproduction cross sections in the range 60 < v < 200 GeV is 1.45 ±0.12 (statistical) ±0.22 (systematic error). Within the framework of the photon-gluon fusion model, this indicates that the gluon density per nucleon is ∼45% larger in iron than in H, D in the range 0.026 < x < 0.085, on a mass scale Q 2 eff ∼M 2 J ψ .
First table is from combined H and DEUT data at 280 Gev. Second table is from FE data at 250 Gev.
First table is from combined H and DEUT data at 280 Gev. Second table is from FE data at 250 Gev.
New results on the forward produced protons and antiprotons in high energy muon-nucleon scattering are presented. Their W 2 , z and p 2 T dependences are compared with those of the other charged hadrons. Significant differences are observed which can be related to the flavour content of the target and to a difference between the baryon content of quark and gluon jets.
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Inclusive ϱ 0 meson production has been measured in 120 GeV and 280 GeV muon-proton interactions. Distributions of z and p T 2 are presented. Primary ϱ 0 production is found to be equal to that of π 0 production within errors.
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No description provided.