Pion-Nucleon Total Cross Sections from 0.5 to 2.65 GeV/c

Carter, A.A. ; Riley, K.F. ; Tapper, R.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 168 (1968) 1457-1465, 1968.
Inspire Record 54182 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.250

Total cross sections of π+ and π− mesons on protons and deuterons have been measured in a transmission experiment to relative accuracies of ±0.2% over the laboratory momentum range 0.46-2.67 GeV/c. The systematic error is estimated to be about ±0.5% over most of the range, increasing to about ±2% near both ends. Data have been obtained at momentum intervals of 25-50 MeV/c with a momentum resolution of ±0.6%. No new structure is observed in the π±p total cross sections, but results differ in several details from previous experiments. From 1-2 GeV/c, where systematic erros are the smallest, the total cross section of π− mesons on deuterons is found to be consistently higher than that of π+ mesons by (1.3±0.3)%; about half of this difference may be understood in terms of Coulomb-barrier effects. The πd and πN total cross sections are used to check the validity of the Glauber theory. Substantial disagreements (up to 2 mb) are observed, and the conclusion is drawn that the Glauber theory is inadequate in this momentum range.

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The e+ e- ---> 3(pi+ pi-), 2(pi+ pi- pi0) and K+ K- 2(pi+ pi-) cross sections at center-of-mass energies from production threshold to 4.5-GeV measured with initial-state radiation

The BaBar collaboration Aubert, Bernard ; Barate, R. ; Boutigny, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 73 (2006) 052003, 2006.
Inspire Record 709730 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.41843

We study the processes e+ e- --> 3(pi+pi-)gamma, 2(pi+pi-pi0)gamma and K+ K- 2(pi+pi-)gamma, with the photon radiated from the initial state. About 20,000, 33,000 and 4,000 fully reconstructed events, respectively, have been selected from 232 fb-1 of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective e+e- center-of-mass energy, so that these data can be compared with the corresponding direct e+e- measurements. From the 3(pi+pi-), 2(pi+pi-pi0) and K+ K- 2(pi+pi-) mass spectra, the cross sections for the processes e+ e- --> 3(pi+pi-), e+ e- --> 2(pi+pi-pi0) and e+ e- --> K+ K- 2(pi+pi-) are measured for center-of-mass energies from production threshold to 4.5 GeV. The uncertainty in the cross section measurement is typically 6-15%. We observe the J/psi in all these final states and measure the corresponding branching fractions.

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The cross section for E+ E- --> 3PI+ 3PI- as measured with the ISR data. Errors are statistical only.

The cross section for E+ E- --> 2PI+ 2PI- 2PI0 as measured with the ISR data. Errors are statistical only.

The e+ e- ---> pi+ pi- pi+ pi-, K+ K- pi+ pi-, and K+ K- K+ K- cross sections at center-of-mass energies 0.5-GeV to 4.5-GeV measured with initial-state radiation

The BaBar collaboration Aubert, Bernard ; Barate, R. ; Boutigny, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 71 (2005) 052001, 2005.
Inspire Record 676691 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.22111

We study the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-\gamma$, with a hard photon radiated from the initial state. About 60,000 fully reconstructed events have been selected from 89 $fb^{-1}$ of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective \epem center-of-mass energy, so that these data can be compared with the corresponding direct $e^+e^-$ measurements. From the $4\pi$-mass spectrum, the cross section for the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-$ is measured for center-of-mass energies from 0.6 to 4.5 $GeV/c^2$. The uncertainty in the cross section measurement is typically 5%. We also measure the cross sections for the final states $K^+ K^- \pi^+\pi^-$ and $K^+ K^- K^+ K^-$. We observe the $J/\psi$ in all three final states and measure the corresponding branching fractions. We search for X(3872) in $J/\psi (\to\mu^+\mu^-) \pi^+\pi^-$ and obtain an upper limit on the product of the $e^+e^-$ width of the X(3872) and the branching fraction for $X(3872) \to J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-$.

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Measured PI+ PI- PI+ PI- cross sections. The errors are statistical only.

Measurement of $K^+ K^-$ Production in $\gamma \gamma$ Collisions

The ARGUS collaboration Albrecht, H. ; Glaser, R. ; Harder, G. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 48 (1990) 183-190, 1990.
Inspire Record 284561 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15151

The production of charged kaon pairs in two-photon interactions has been studied with the ARGUS detector and the topological cross section has been measured. The γγ-widths and interference parameters have been determined for the tensor mesonsf2 (1270),a2 (1318) andf′2 (1525). The helicity structure assumed for the continuum contribution has a significant effect on the result. Upper limits have been obtained for the γγ-widths of the glueball candidate statesf2 (1720) andX (2230).

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Data read from graph.. Errors are the square roots of the number of events.

Cross section allowing for spin components JM = 22,20,00. Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 8.4%.

Cross section allowing for spin components JM = 22,00. Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 8.4%.

Measurements of e+ e- ---> K+ K- eta, K+ K- pi0 and K0(s) K+- pi-+ cross- sections using initial state radiation events

The BaBar collaboration Aubert, Bernard ; Bona, M. ; Boutigny, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 77 (2008) 092002, 2008.
Inspire Record 765258 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50372

This paper reports measurements of processes: e+e- -> gamma KsK+pi-, e+e- -> gamma K+K-pi0, e+e- -> gamma phi eta, and e+e- -> gamma phi pi0. The initial state radiated photon allows to cover the hadronic final state in the energy range from thresholds up to ~4.6 GeV. The overall size of the data sample analyzed is 232 fb-1, collected by the BaBar detector running at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring. From the Dalitz plot analysis of the KsK+pi- final state, moduli and relative phase of the isoscalar and the isovector components of the e+e- -> K K*(892) cross section are determined. Parameters of phi and rho recurrences are also measured, using a global fitting procedure which exploits the interconnection among amplitudes, moduli and phases of the e+e- -> KsK+pi-, K+K-pi0, phi eta final states. The cross section for the OZI-forbidden process e+e- -> phi pi0, and the J/psi branching fractions to KK*(892) and K+K-eta are also measured.

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The cross section for E+ E- --> K0S K+ PI- + CC with statistical errors only.

The cross section for E+ E- --> K+ K- PI0 with statistical errors only.

The cross section for E+ E- --> PHI PI0 with statistical errors only.

The $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0$, 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\eta$, $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\eta$ Cross Sections Measured with Initial-State Radiation

The BaBar collaboration Aubert, Bernard ; Bona, M. ; Boutigny, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 76 (2007) 092005, 2007.
Inspire Record 758568 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.51824

We study the processes $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0\gamma$, $2(\pi^+\pi^-)\eta\gamma$, $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\gamma$ and $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\eta\gamma$ with the hard photon radiated from the initial state. About 20000, 4300, 5500 and 375 fully reconstructed events, respectively, are selected from 232 fb$^{-1}$ of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective $e^+ e^-$ center-of-mass energy, so that the obtained cross sections from the threshold to about 5 GeV can be compared with corresponding direct \epem measurements, currently available only for the $\eta\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\omega\pi^+\pi^-$ submodes of the $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0$ channel. Studying the structure of these events, we find contributions from a number of intermediate states, and we extract their cross sections where possible. In particular, we isolate the contribution from $e^+ e^-\to\omega(782)\pi^+\pi^-$ and study the $\omega(1420)$ and $\omega(1650)$ resonances. In the charmonium region, we observe the $J/\psi$ in all these final states and several intermediate states, as well as the $\psi(2S)$ in some modes, and we measure the corresponding branching fractions.

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Measured cross section for E+ E- --> 2(PI+ PI-) PI0 with statistical errorsonly.

Measured cross section for E+ E- --> ETA PI+ PI- with statistical errors only.

Measured cross section for E+ E- --> OMEGA PI+ PI- with statistical errors only.
