Quasi-free photoproduction of eta-mesons off nucleons bound in the deuteron has been measured with the CBELSA/TAPS detector for incident photon energies up to 2.5 GeV at the Bonn ELSA accelerator. The eta-mesons have been detected in coincidence with recoil protons and recoil neutrons, which allows a detailed comparison of the quasi-free n(gamma,eta)n and p(gamma,eta)p reactions. The excitation function for eta-production off the neutron shows a pronounced bump-like structure at W=1.68 GeV (E_g ~ 1 GeV), which is absent for the proton.
Measured value of the quasi-free eta cross section off protons and neutrons as a function of incident photon energy.
Ratio of the measured quasi-free neutron to proton cross sections as a function of incident photon energy.
Measured angular distribution for an incident photon energy of 0.700 GeV.