

Wada, Y. ; Kato, S. ; Miyachi, T. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim.A 63 (1981) 57-70, 1981.
Inspire Record 170488 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37543

The recoil proton polarization of proton Compton scattering (γp→γp) was measured in the photon energy range from 500 MeV to 1000 MeV atθ∗=100° and from 400MeV to 800 MeV atθ∗=130°. A recoil proton and a scattered photon were detected in coincidence with a magnetic spectrometer and a photon detector. The recoil proton polarization was measured with a carbon polarimeter. The results are compared with a phenomenological analysis based on an isobar model and a dynamical analysis based on the dispersion relation.

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Measurement of the polarization parameter in backward pi+ p elastic scattering at 1.60, 1.80, 2.11, and 2.31 gev/c

Burleson, G. ; Hill, D. ; Kato, S. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 26 (1971) 338-340, 1971.
Inspire Record 69051 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.21558

Measurements of polarization in π+p elastic scattering have been made at 1.60, 1.80, 2.11, and 2.31 GeVc. The data cover the entire angular range, with emphasis on the backward region. Comparisons have been made with both u-channel and t-channel models, as well as with predictions of phase-shift analyses. While the agreement is generally poor in all cases, the best agreement is with some t-channel predictions.

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Measurement of the polarization parameter in k+ p elastic scattering at 1.60, 1.80, 2.11 and 2.31 gev/c

Barnett, B.A. ; Laasanen, A.T. ; Steinberg, P.H. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 34 (1971) 655-658, 1971.
Inspire Record 69281 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.28513

The polarization parameter for K + p elastic scattering has been measured at 1.60, 1.80, 2.11 and 3.31 GeV/ c incident momenta over the entire angular range with an emphasis on the backward region. The results in the extreme backward region appear to be small and consistent with zero.

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Ishii, T. ; Egawa, K. ; Imanishi, A. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 254 (1985) 458-474, 1985.
Inspire Record 218918 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.33788

Differential cross sections of proton Compton scattering have been measured in the angular range between 50° and 130° at incident photon energies from 900 MeV to 1150 MeV. A sharp dip in the angular distribution found by a Bonn group at 110° in the photon energy region around 900 MeV is not observed in the present measurement. A new dip-bump structure is found at photon energies above 1050 MeV, which is similar to that for pion-nucleon scattering.

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Wada, Y. ; Egawa, K. ; Imanishi, A. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 247 (1984) 313-338, 1984.
Inspire Record 215373 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.33842

Differential cross sections of proton Compton scattering have been measured in the energy range between 400 MeV and 1050 MeV at C.M.S. angles of 150° and 160°.

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No description provided.

Differential Cross-sections of the Proton Compton Scattering in the Resonance Region

Ishii, T. ; Egawa, K. ; Kato, S. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 165 (1980) 189-208, 1980.
Inspire Record 142130 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.34584

Differential cross sections of proton Compton scattering have been measured in the energy range between 375 MeV and 1150 MeV in steps of 25 MeV at c.m. angles of 130°, 100° and 70°. The recoil proton was detected with a magnetic spectrometer. In coincidence with the proton, the scattered photon was detected with a lead-glass Čerenkov counter of the total absorption type.

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No description provided.

Differential Cross-Sections of the Proton Compton Scattering in the Energy Between 450-MeV and 950-MeV

Toshioka, K. ; Chiba, M. ; Kato, S. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 141 (1978) 364-378, 1978.
Inspire Record 120614 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.34955

The differential cross sections of the proton Compton scattering around the second resonance have been measured at a c.m. angle of 90° for incident photon energies between 450 MeV and 950 MeV in steps of 50 MeV, and at an angle of 60° for energies between 600 MeV and 800 MeV. The results show that the peak of the 2nd resonance agrees with that of the pion photoproduction process. We also calculated the proton Compton scattering based on unitarity and fixed- t dispersion relations. The calculation describes well the data of the cross section and the recoil proton polarization.

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No description provided.

Polarization of recoil protons from proton Compton scattering in the region of the second pi n resonance

Kabe, S. ; Fujii, T. ; Kamei, T. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 50 (1972) 17-28, 1972.
Inspire Record 84330 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.32704

The polarization of recoil protons from proton Compton scattering has been measured at an angle of 90° c.m.s. in the region of the second nucleon resonance. The scattered photons were detected by a telescope which consisted of a lead plate converter, scintillation-counter hodoscopes and a Ćerenkov counter, The angles and momenta of recoil protons were analyzed by a magnet with four spark chambers. The polarization of protons was obtained from the asymmetry in the elastic scattering of protons on carbon in a spark chamber.

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Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////).

Measurement of the polarization parameter in k+ p elastic scattering

Barnett, B.A. ; Laasanen, A.T. ; Koehler, P.F.M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 8 (1973) 2751-2764, 1973.
Inspire Record 93326 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.22081

Full angular distributions of the polarization parameter in elastic K+p scattering at 1.37, 1.45, 1.60, 1.71, 1.80, 1.89, 2.11, and 2.31 GeV/c are presented. These data were obtained in an experiment at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron using a polarized proton target with arrays of scintillation and Čerenkov counters to detect the scattered particles.

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No description provided.


Coherent diffractive photoproduction of $\rho^{0}$ mesons on gold nuclei at RHIC

The STAR collaboration Adamczyk, L. ; Adkins, J.K. ; Agakishiev, G. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 96 (2017) 054904, 2017.
Inspire Record 1515028 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.101354

The STAR Collaboration reports on the photoproduction of $\pi^+\pi^-$ pairs in gold-gold collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 200 GeV/nucleon-pair. These pion pairs are produced when a nearly-real photon emitted by one ion scatters from the other ion. We fit the $\pi^+\pi^-$ invariant mass spectrum with a combination of $\rho$ and $\omega$ resonances and a direct $\pi^+\pi^-$ continuum. This is the first observation of the $\omega$ in ultra-peripheral collisions, and the first measurement of $\rho-\omega$ interference at energies where photoproduction is dominated by Pomeron exchange. The $\omega$ amplitude is consistent with the measured $\gamma p\rightarrow \omega p$ cross section, a classical Glauber calculation and the $\omega\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-$ branching ratio. The $\omega$ phase angle is similar to that observed at much lower energies, showing that the $\rho-\omega$ phase difference does not depend significantly on photon energy. The $\rho^0$ differential cross section $d\sigma/dt$ exhibits a clear diffraction pattern, compatible with scattering from a gold nucleus, with 2 minima visible. The positions of the diffractive minima agree better with the predictions of a quantum Glauber calculation that does not include nuclear shadowing than with a calculation that does include shadowing.

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The $\pi^+\pi^-$ invariant-mass distribution for all selected $\pi\pi$ candidates with $p_T~<~100~\textrm{MeV}/c$.

The ratio $|B/A|$ of amplitudes of nonresonant $\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\rho^0$ mesons in the present STAR analysis.

The ratio $|B/A|$ of amplitudes of nonresonant $\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\rho^0$ mesons in the previous STAR analysis, Phys. Rev. C 77 034910 (2008).
