Momentum dependence of the 180-degrees pi- p charge-exchange cross-section

Kistiakowsky, V. ; Feld, B.T. ; Triantis, F.A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 6 (1972) 1882-1905, 1972.
Inspire Record 83145 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.3611

The π−+p→π0+n differential cross section at 180° has been measured for 52 values of π− momentum from 1.8 to 6.0 GeV/c using a constant-geometry detection system. The average statistical uncertainty is ∼5% and the systematic uncertainty is ∼10%. The details of the experiment and the data analysis are discussed. The data are compared with those of other experiments with which they are generally in agreement. One set of data disagrees with those presented here and a possible reason for this is discussed. A five-parameter fit of the predictions of a dual-resonance model to our data gave excellent agreement. The differential cross sections at 180° for π±p elastic scattering have been compiled and the moduli and relative phase of the T=12 and T=32 pion-nucleon s- and u-channel amplitudes (|A12|, |A32|, and cosδ) have a minimum at u=0.4 GeV/c and, in the s channel, a corresponding minimum at s=2.2 GeV/c.

53 data tables

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No description provided.

No description provided.


Total Cross-Section for Hadron Production by electron-Positron Annihilation Between 2.4-GeV and 5.0-GeV Center-Of-Mass Energy

Augustin, J.E. ; Boyarski, A. ; Breidenbach, Martin ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 34 (1975) 764, 1975.
Inspire Record 100592 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.21227

The total cross section for hadron production by e+e− annihilation has been measured at center-of-mass energies between 2.4 and 5.0 GeV. Aside from the very narrow resonances ψ(3105) and ψ(3695), the cross section varies between 32 and 17 nb over this region with structure in the vicinity of 4.1 GeV.

2 data tables

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Version 2
Measurements of sigma(e+ e- --> mu+- mu-+) in the energy range 1.2-GeV to 3.0-GeV.

Alles-Borelli, V. ; Bernardini, M. ; Bollini, D. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 59 (1975) 201, 1975.
Inspire Record 99248 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.27778

The analysis of 1466 events of the type e + e − → μ ± μ ± , in the time-lifke range from 1.44 to 9.00 GeV 2 , sh that the absolute value of the cross-section and its energy dependence follow QED expectations within (± 3.2%) and (± 1.2%), respectively.

1 data table

The cross section of the reaction $e^+ e^- \to \mu^\pm \mu^\mp$ integrated over the experimental apparatus at 14 values of the colliding beam energy $E$ corresponding to total centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=2E$ from 1.2 to 3.0 GeV.

Search for Narrow Resonances in e+ e- Annihilation Into Hadrons in the Mass Regions 1910-MeV-2545-MeV and 2970-MeV-3090-MeV

Bacci, C. ; Baldini-Celio, R. ; Bidoli, V. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 58 (1975) 481-483, 1975.
Inspire Record 100016 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.27776

We have searched for possible narrow resonances produced in e + e − annihilation at Adone, in the mass regions 1910–2545 MeV and 2970–3090 MeV. No evidence has been found for narrow resonances, within the sensitivity of the present work: we deduce an upper limit on the energy integrated resonant cross section of about 10% of the J/ψ(3100) corresponding value.

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Study of photoproduction on hydrogen in a streamer chamber with tagged photons for 1.6 GeV $ < E_\gamma <$ 6.3 GeV Topological and reaction cross sections

The Aachen-Hamburg-Heidelberg-Munich collaboration Struczinski, W. ; Dittmann, P. ; Eckardt, V. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 108 (1976) 45-74, 1976.
Inspire Record 100089 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.35779

We have studied photoproduction using a 1 m streamer chamber at DESY and a tagged photon beam with an energy range of 1.6 GeV < E γ < 6.3 GeV. We analysed approximately 30 000 events and report topological, channel and resonance production cross sections for a large number of reactions with three and five outgoing charged particles.

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Multi-Pion and Multistrange Particle Photoproduction Off Neutrons Up to 5.3-GeV

The AACHEN-BONN-HAMBURG-HEIDELBERG-MUNICH collaboration Benz, P. ; Braun, O. ; Kiesling, Christian M. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 115 (1976) 385-410, 1976.
Inspire Record 114867 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37294

In a study of photoproduction at photon energies up to 5.3 GeV in a deuterium bubble chamber the reactions γ n→p π + π − π − and γ n→p π + π − π − π 0 were analyzed. In these reactions production of the resonances Δ ++ , Δ 0 , ϱ 0 , ω and A 2 − was observed. Photoproduction of strange particles was investigated and cross sections for the reactions γ n→ Λ K + π − , Σ − K 0 π + , pK − K 0 , Λ K 0 π + π − and Λ K + π − π 0 are presented. Production of Σ − (1385) and K ∗0 (890) was observed.

9 data tables

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No description provided.

No description provided.


Peripheral Behavior of anti-p p --> K*+- K-+ Between 1-GeV/c and 2.5-GeV/c

Baubillier, M. ; De Billy, L. ; Rivoal, M. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 104 (1976) 277-289, 1976.
Inspire Record 113110 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.35964

The reaction p p → K ∗ K does not exhibit any s -channel resonance effect between 1 and 2.5 GeV/ c . On the contrary, the data on p p → K ∗∓ K ± are compatible with an exchange mechanism in the t - and u -channels above 1.5 GeV/ c . Strong similarities are found with p p → K − K + and K ∗− K ∗+ . The polarisation of K ∗± is given. The reaction p p → K ∗0 K 0 vanishes above 1.5 GeV/ c

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LEG(L=0) = SIG/(4*PI).

LEG(L=0) = SIG/(4*PI).


Production of 4 pi+- and 6 pi+- by e+ e- Annihilation Between 2.4-GeV and 7.4-GeV

Jean-Marie, B. ; Abrams, G.S. ; Boyarski, A. ; et al.
SLAC-PUB-1711, 1976.
Inspire Record 108089 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.18658


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No description provided.

Inclusive K0(s) Production in e+ e- Annihilation at Energies of 3.6-GeV to 5.0-GeV

The PLUTO collaboration Burmester, J. ; Criegee, L. ; Dehne, H.C. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 67 (1977) 367-370, 1977.
Inspire Record 118873 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.27568

We have measured the production cross section for K s 0 in e + e − annihilation from 3.6 to 5.0 GeV center of mass energy. A substantial increase of the K s 0 yield is observed around 4 GeV in qualitative agreement with the charm hypothesis.

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No description provided.

No description provided.


Study of Neutrino Proton Elastic Scattering in the GARGAMELLE Freon Experiment

Pohl, M. ; Welch, L. ; Dewit, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 72 (1978) 489-492, 1978.
Inspire Record 122236 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48973

The cross section ratio of the elastic neutral current reaction ν p→ ν p to the quasi-elastic charged current reaction ν n→ μ − p has been measured in the kinematical region 0.3⩽ q 2 ⩽1.0 (GeV/ c ) 2 . The measured value is R M =0.17±0.08. Model dependent corrections are applied, especially for ν n→ ν n contamination, and the result is compared to various models.

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(C=OBSERVED) and (C=CORRECTED) are the observed and corrected for the nuclear effects ratios.