Measurements are presented of the inclusive cross section for K ∗ (892) ± production in hadronic decays of the Z 0 using a sample of about half a million events recorded with the OPAL experiment at LEP. Charged K ∗ mesons are reconstructed in the decay channel K 0 S π ± . A mean rate of 0.72±0.02±0.08 K ∗ mesons per hadronic event is found. Comparison of the results with predictions of the JETSET and HERWIG models shows that JETSET overestimates the K ∗± production cross section while HERWIG is consistent with the data.
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No description provided.
We present a measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in hadronic decays of the Z 0 using data collected with the OPAL detector at LEP. The forward-backward charge asymmetry was measured using a weight function method which gave the number of forward events on a statistical basis. In a data sample of 448 942 hadronic Z 0 decays, we have observed a charge asymmetry of A h = 0.040±0.004 (stat.)±0.006 (syst.)±0.002 (B 0 B 0 mix.), taking into account the effect of B 0 B 0 mixing. In the framework of the standard model, this asymmetry corresponds to an effective weak mixing angle averaged over five quark flavours of sin 2 θ W = 0.2321 ± 0.0017 ( stat. ) ± 0.0027 ( syst. ) ± 0.0009 (B 0 B 0 mix.). The result agrees with the value obtained from the Z 0 line shape and lepton pair forward-backward asymmetry.
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The second systematic error is due to the uncertainty in the correction for B.BBAR mixing which had been applied to the data.
The second systematic error is due to the uncertainty in the correction for B.BBAR mixing which had been applied to the data.
The production of the octet and decuplet baryons Λ, Ξ − , Σ (1385) ± , Ξ(1530) 0 and Ω − and the corresponding antibaryons has been measured in a sample of 485 000 hadronic Z 0 decays. Results on differential and integrated cross sections are presented. The differential cross section of Λ baryons is found to be softer than the one predicted by the Jetset and Herwig Monte Carlo generators. The measured decuplet yields are found to disagree with the simple diquark picture where only one tuning parameter for spin 1 diquarks is used. Comparisons of the momentum spectra for Λ and Ξ − with the predictions of an analytical QCD formula are also presented.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We report on an improved measurement of the value of the strong coupling constant σ s at the Z 0 peak, using the asymmetry of the energy-energy correlation function. The analysis, based on second-order perturbation theory and a data sample of about 145000 multihadronic Z 0 decays, yields α s ( M z 0 = 0.118±0.001(stat.)±0.003(exp.syst.) −0.004 +0.0009 (theor. syst.), where the theoretical systematic error accounts for uncertainties due to hadronization, the choice of the renormalization scale and unknown higher-order terms. We adjust the parameters of a second-order matrix element Monte Carlo followed by string hadronization to best describe the energy correlation and other hadronic Z 0 decay data. The α s result obtained from this second-order Monte Carlo is found to be unreliable if values of the renormalization scale smaller than about 0.15 E cm are used in the generator.
Value of LAMBDA(MSBAR) and ALPHA_S.. The first systematic error is experimental, the second is from theory.
The EEC and its asymmetry at the hadron level, unfolded for initial-state radiation and for detector acceptance and resolution. Errors include full statistical and systematic uncertainties.
A study of b quark hadronisation is presented using inclusively reconstructed B hadrons in about four million hadronic Z decays recorded in 1992-2000 with the OPAL detector at LEP. The data are compared to different theoretical models, and fragmentation function parameters of these models are fitted. The average scaled energy of weakly decaying B hadrons is determined to be <xe>=0.7193+-0.0016(stat)+0.0036-0.0031(syst)
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Correlation matrix of statistical uncertainties.
Correlation matrix of positive systematic uncertainties.
Data on coherent elastic and inelastic deuteron-proton scattering are presented. The measurements were made at the CERN ISR with a single arm spectrometer, at s = 2800 GeV 2 and momentum transfer squared (− t ) in the range 0.15 to 0.42 GeV 2 . The data are compared with elastic and inelastic diffractive proton-proton scattering data taken with the same apparatus at the same s and t values. The t dependence of the elastic dp → dp differential cross section is compared to simple predictions based on Glauber theory. The differential cross sections for pp → pX and dp → dX are also compared for M X 2 → 280 GeV 2 , where M X denotes the mass of system X recoiling against the measured proton and deuteron.
No description provided.
Data on correlations between momentum analysed protons, pions or K mesons, and charged particles produced in pp collisions at the CERN ISR are presented. The charged particles were detected in a ∼4 π scintillation counter hodoscope. The pseudo-rapidity distributions are well described by production within the limits of cylindrical phase space, with negative kaons and antiprotons yielding narrower distributions than protons, pions and positive kaons. The azimuthal distributions show symmetry around the t -channel axis in the rest frame of the recoiling mass M x in pp → aX (a = detected proton, pion, positive kaon).
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No description provided.
No description provided.
The forward-backward asymmetries of$$e^ + e^ - \to Z^0 \to b\bar b and e^ + e^ - \to Z^0 \to c\bar c$$
Measurement of the asymmetry in b-quark production on the Z0 peak using a two parameter fit, neglecting the effects of B0-BBAR0 mixing.
Measurement of the asymmetry in b-quark production on the Z0 peak using a two parameter fit and correcting for B0-BBAR0 mixing. The second systematic error is due to the uncertainty of the mixing factor.
Measurement of the asymmetry in c-quark production on the Z0 peak using a two parameter fit.
The OPAL detector at LEP is used to measure the branching ratio of theZ0 into invisible particles by measuring the cross section of single photon events ine+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies near theZ0 resonance. In a data sample of 5.3 pb−1, we observe 73 events with single photons depositing more than 1.5 GeV in the electromagnetic calorimeter, with an expected background of 8±2 events not associated with invisibleZ0 decay. With this data we determine theZ0 invisible width to be 0.50±0.07±0.03 GeV, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. This corresponds to 3.0±0.4±0.2 light neutrino generations in the Standard Model.
No description provided.
DATA FROM 1989 RUN. The cross section are quoted with their statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainty of both the multihadron acceptance and the luminosity calculation.
DATA FROM 1990 RUN. The cross section are quoted with their statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainty of both the multihadron acceptance and the luminosity calculation.
Cross sections corrected for the effects of efficiency and kinematic cuts and background. Data from 1989 run, reanalysed.