At the electron accelerator ELSA a linearly polarised tagged photon beam is produced by coherent bremsstrahlung off a diamond crystal. Orientation and energy range of the linear polarisation can be deliberately chosen by accurate positioning of the crystal with a goniometer. The degree of polarisation is determined by the form of the scattered electron spectrum. Good agreement between experiment and expectations on basis of the experimental conditions is obtained. Polarisation degrees of P = 40% are typically achieved at half of the primary electron energy. The determination of P is confirmed by measuring the beam asymmetry, \Sigma, in pi^0 photoproduction and a comparison of the results to independent measurements using laser backscattering.
Beam asymmetry as a function of the PI0 centre of mass scattering angle.
Beam asymmetry as a function of the PI0 centre of mass scattering angle.
Beam asymmetry as a function of the PI0 centre of mass scattering angle.
Single pi0 photoproduction has been studied with the CB-ELSA experiment at Bonn using tagged photon energies between 0.3 and 3.0 GeV. The experimental setup covers a very large solid angle of about 98% of 4 pi. Differential cross sections (d sigma)/(d Omega) have been measured. Complicated structures in the angular distributions indicate a variety of different resonances being produced in the s channel intermediate state gamma p --> N* (Delta*) --> p pi0. A combined analysis including the data presented in this letter along with other data sets reveals contributions from known resonances and evidence for a new resonance N(2070)D15.
Total cross section for GAMMA P --> P PI0 obtained by integration of the angular distributions and extrapolation into the forward and backward regions using the PWA result.
Differential cross section as a function of c.m. angle for the photon energy range 300 to 425 GeV.
Differential cross section as a function of c.m. angle for the photon energy range 425 to 550 GeV.
The differential cross section has been measured for the reaction γ +p→ π o + p at the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron in the energy range from 0.55 to 2.2 GeV at a c.m.angle of 120 degrees.
No description provided.
Measurements are presented of the recoil-proton polarization for π0 photoproduction angles near 64° in the c.m. system. The steep angular dependence observed by others at lower energies persists to at least 1500 MeV, and the polarization crosses through zero near 63° over the entire 900-1600-MeV energy interval. Summary fits are made to available recoil-proton polarization data, 950-1250 MeV, and are found to require terms of order cos3θ, but no higher.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////).
The differential cross section has been measured for the reaction γ +p→p+ π o at the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron in the energy range from 0.4 to 2.2 GeV for a c.m. angle of 150 degrees. The protons were detected in a magnetic spectrometer system. The excitation curve shows a distinct resonance structure. The total corrections to the counting rate are about 3%. The contribution of the process γ +p→p+2 π was separated. The uncertainty of this separation leads to an error of about 4% in the cross section.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We measured the π0 photoproduction differential cross section at 180° for a range of incident photon energies between 650 and 1750 MeV. The cross sections are dominated by the D13(1525), D15(1688), and F37(1920) resonances.
No description provided.