A search for the production of long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the CERN LHC is presented. The search is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016-2018, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. This search is designed to be sensitive to long-lived particles with mean proper decay lengths between 0.1 and 1000 mm, whose decay products produce a final state with at least one displaced vertex and missing transverse momentum. A machine learning algorithm, which improves the background rejection power by more than an order of magnitude, is applied to improve the sensitivity. The observation is consistent with the standard model background prediction, and the results are used to constrain split supersymmetry (SUSY) and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models with different gluino mean proper decay lengths and masses. This search is the first CMS search that shows sensitivity to hadronically decaying long-lived particles from signals with mass differences between the gluino and neutralino below 100 GeV. It sets the most stringent limits to date for split-SUSY models and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models with gluino proper decay length less than 6 mm.
Distributions of $S_{\mathrm{ML}}$ for data, simulated background and signal events with $n_{\mathrm{track}}$ of 3. The distributions are shown for split-SUSY signals with a gluino mass of 2000 GeV and neutralino mass of 1900 GeV. Different gluino proper decay lengths are shown as $c\tau$ in the legend. All distributions are normalized to unity.
Distributions of $S_{\mathrm{ML}}$ for data, simulated background and signal events with $n_{\mathrm{track}}$ of 3. The distributions are shown for split-SUSY signals with a gluino mass of 2000 GeV and neutralino mass of 1800 GeV. Different gluino proper decay lengths are shown as $c\tau$ in the legend. All distributions are normalized to unity.
Distributions of $S_{\mathrm{ML}}$ for data, simulated background and signal events with $n_{\mathrm{track}}$ of 4. The distributions are shown for split-SUSY signals with a gluino mass of 2000 GeV and neutralino mass of 1900 GeV. Different gluino proper decay lengths are shown as $c\tau$ in the legend. All distributions are normalized to unity.
Two related searches for phenomena beyond the standard model (BSM) are performed using events with hadronic jets and significant transverse momentum imbalance. The results are based on a sample of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016-2018 and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. The first search is inclusive, based on signal regions defined by the hadronic energy in the event, the jet multiplicity, the number of jets identified as originating from bottom quarks, and the value of the kinematic variable $M_\mathrm{T2}$ for events with at least two jets. For events with exactly one jet, the transverse momentum of the jet is used instead. The second search looks in addition for disappearing tracks produced by BSM long-lived charged particles that decay within the volume of the tracking detector. No excess event yield is observed above the predicted standard model background. This is used to constrain a range of BSM models that predict the following: the pair production of gluinos and squarks in the context of supersymmetry models conserving $R$-parity, with or without intermediate long-lived charginos produced in the decay chain; the resonant production of a colored scalar state decaying to a massive Dirac fermion and a quark; or the pair production of scalar and vector leptoquarks each decaying to a neutrino and a top, bottom, or light-flavor quark. In most of the cases, the results obtained are the most stringent constraints to date.
Definitions of super signal regions, along with predictions, observed data, and the observed 95% CL upper limits on the number of signal events contributing to each region ($N_{95}^\mathrm{max}$). The limits are given under assumptions of 0% and 15% for the uncertainty on the signal acceptance. All selection criteria as in the full analysis are applied. For regions with $N_\mathrm{j}=1$, $H_\mathrm{T}\equiv p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{jet}$.
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production, where the gluinos decay to light-flavor quarks ($\tilde{g}\to q\bar{q}\tilde{\chi}_1^0$). Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in $\alpha_S$, assuming unity branching fraction to $q\bar{q}\tilde{\chi}_1^0$.
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production, where the gluinos decay to light-flavor quarks and either a $\tilde{\chi}_2^0$ that decays to $Z\tilde{\chi}_1^0$ (1/3 of the time), or a $\tilde{\chi}_1^\pm$ that decays to $W^\pm\tilde{\chi}_1^0$ (2/3 of the time). Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in $\alpha_S$, assuming unity branching fraction to $q_i\bar{q}_j V\tilde{\chi}_1^0$.
A search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one hadronically decaying tau lepton has been performed using 3.2 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015. Two exclusive final states are considered, with either exactly one or at least two tau leptons. No excess over the Standard Model prediction is observed in the data. Results are interpreted in the context of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking and a simplified model of gluino pair production with tau-rich cascade decays, substantially improving on previous limits. In the GMSB model considered, supersymmetry-breaking scale ($\Lambda$) values below 92 TeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level, corresponding to gluino masses below 2000 GeV. For large values of $\tan\beta$, values of $\Lambda$ up to 107 TeV and gluino masses up to 2300 GeV are excluded. In the simplified model, gluino masses are excluded up to 1570 GeV for neutralino masses around 100 GeV. Neutralino masses up to 700 GeV are excluded for all gluino masses between 800 GeV and 1500 GeV, while the strongest exclusion of 750 GeV is achieved for gluino masses around 1400 GeV.
mTtau distributions for "extended SR selections" of the 1 tau channel, for the Compressed SR selection without the mTtau > 80 GeV requirement. The last bin includes overflow events. Uncertainties are statistical only. Signal predictions are overlaid for several benchmark models, normalised to their predicted cross sections. For the simplified model, "LM" refers to a low mass splitting, or compressed scenario, with m(gluino)=665 GeV and m(neutralino)=585 GeV; "MM" stands for a medium mass splitting, with m(gluino)=1145 GeV and m(neutralino)=265 GeV; "HM" denotes a high mass splitting scenario, with m(gluino)=1305 GeV and m(neutralino)=105 GeV.
mTtau distributions for "extended SR selections" of the 1 tau channel, for the Medium Mass SR selection without the mTtau > 200 GeV requirement. The last bin includes overflow events. Uncertainties are statistical only. Signal predictions are overlaid for several benchmark models, normalised to their predicted cross sections. For the simplified model, "LM" refers to a low mass splitting, or compressed scenario, with m(gluino)=665 GeV and m(neutralino)=585 GeV; "MM" stands for a medium mass splitting, with m(gluino)=1145 GeV and m(neutralino)=265 GeV; "HM" denotes a high mass splitting scenario, with m(gluino)=1305 GeV and m(neutralino)=105 GeV.
mTtau distributions for "extended SR selections" of the 1 tau channel, for the High Mass SR selection without the mTtau > 200 GeV requirement. The last bin includes overflow events. Uncertainties are statistical only. Signal predictions are overlaid for several benchmark models, normalised to their predicted cross sections. For the simplified model, "LM" refers to a low mass splitting, or compressed scenario, with m(gluino)=665 GeV and m(neutralino)=585 GeV; "MM" stands for a medium mass splitting, with m(gluino)=1145 GeV and m(neutralino)=265 GeV; "HM" denotes a high mass splitting scenario, with m(gluino)=1305 GeV and m(neutralino)=105 GeV.
A search for heavy long-lived charged $R$-hadrons is reported using a data sample corresponding to 3.2$^{-1}$ of proton--proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The search is based on observables related to large ionisation losses and slow propagation velocities, which are signatures of heavy charged particles travelling significantly slower than the speed of light. No significant deviations from the expected background are observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are provided on the production cross section of long-lived $R$-hadrons in the mass range from 600 GeV to 2000 GeV and gluino, bottom and top squark masses are excluded up to 1580 GeV, 805 GeV and 890 GeV, respectively.
Distributions of beta for data and simulation after a Zmumu selection. The values given for the mean and width are taken from Gaussian functions matched to data and simulation.
Data (black dots) and background estimates (red solid line) for m_beta for the gluino R-hadron search (1000 GeV). The green shaded band illustrates the statistical uncertainty of the background estimate. The blue dashed lines illustrate the expected signal (on top of background) for the given R-hadron mass hypothesis. The black dashed vertical lines at 500 GeV show the mass selection and the last bin includes all entries/masses above.
Data (black dots) and background estimates (red solid line) for m_betagamma for the gluino R-hadron search (1000 GeV). The green shaded band illustrates the statistical uncertainty of the background estimate. The blue dashed lines illustrate the expected signal (on top of background) for the given R-hadron mass hypothesis. The black dashed vertical lines at 500 GeV show the mass selection and the last bin includes all entries/masses above.
The results of a search for gluinos in final states with an isolated electron or muon, multiple jets and large missing transverse momentum using proton--proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV are presented. The dataset used was recorded in 2015 by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb$^{-1}$. Six signal selections are defined that best exploit the signal characteristics. The data agree with the Standard Model background expectation in all six signal selections, and the largest deviation is a 2.1 standard deviation excess. The results are interpreted in a simplified model where pair-produced gluinos decay via the lightest chargino to the lightest neutralino. In this model, gluinos are excluded up to masses of approximately 1.6 TeV depending on the mass spectrum of the simplified model, thus surpassing the limits of previous searches.
The distribution of the missing transverse momentum is shown in hard-lepton 6-jet ttbar control regions after normalising the ttbar and W+jets background processes in the simultaneous fit.
The distribution of the missing transverse momentum is shown in hard-lepton 6-jet W+jets control regions after normalising the ttbar and W+jets background processes in the simultaneous fit.
The distribution of the missing transverse momentum is shown in soft-lepton 2-jet ttbar control regions after normalising the ttbar and W+jets background processes in the simultaneous fit.
A summary is presented of ATLAS searches for gluinos and first- and second-generation squarks in final states containing jets and missing transverse momentum, with or without leptons or b-jets, in the $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV data set collected at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012. This paper reports the results of new interpretations and statistical combinations of previously published analyses, as well as a new analysis. Since no significant excess of events over the Standard Model expectation is observed, the data are used to set limits in a variety of models. In all the considered simplified models that assume R-parity conservation, the limit on the gluino mass exceeds 1150 GeV at 95% confidence level, for an LSP mass smaller than 100 GeV. Furthermore, exclusion limits are set for left-handed squarks in a phenomenological MSSM model, a minimal Supergravity/Constrained MSSM model, R-parity-violation scenarios, a minimal gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking model, a natural gauge mediation model, a non-universal Higgs mass model with gaugino mediation and a minimal model of universal extra dimensions.
Acceptance for the loose channel of the Razor analysis for the direct squark-squark model.
Acceptance times efficiency for the loose channel of the Razor analysis for the direct squark-squark model.
Acceptance for the tight channel of the Razor analysis for the direct squark-squark model.
Many extensions of the Standard Model posit the existence of heavy particles with long lifetimes. This article presents the results of a search for events containing at least one long-lived particle that decays at a significant distance from its production point into two leptons or into five or more charged particles. This analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ collected in 2012 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. No events are observed in any of the signal regions, and limits are set on model parameters within supersymmetric scenarios involving R-parity violation, split supersymmetry, and gauge mediation. In some of the search channels, the trigger and search strategy are based only on the decay products of individual long-lived particles, irrespective of the rest of the event. In these cases, the provided limits can easily be reinterpreted in different scenarios.
Vertex-level efficiency as a function of the vertex radial position for an RPV SUSY model of squark production with $\tilde{q}\to q[\tilde{\chi}_1^0\to\mu qq]$, where $m(\tilde{q}) = 700$ GeV, $m(\tilde{\chi}_1^0) = 494$ GeV and $c\tau(\tilde{\chi}_1^0)$ = 175 mm. This result is also represented in Figure 3b and Auxiliary Figure 1.
Vertex-level efficiency as a function of the vertex radial position for an RPV SUSY model of squark production with $\tilde{q}\to q[\tilde{\chi}_1^0\to\mu qq]$, where $m(\tilde{q}) = 700$ GeV, $m(\tilde{\chi}_1^0) = 108$ GeV and $c\tau(\tilde{\chi}_1^0)$ = 101 mm.
Vertex-level efficiency as a function of the vertex radial position for an RPV SUSY model of squark production with $\tilde{q}\to q[\tilde{\chi}_1^0\to\mu qb]$, where $m(\tilde{q}) = 700$ GeV, $m(\tilde{\chi}_1^0) = 494$ GeV and $c\tau(\tilde{\chi}_1^0)$ = 175 mm. The other SUSY model point in the figure is tabulated in http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins1362183/d1.