The $\gamma n \to \pi^0 n$ differential cross section evaluated for 27 energy bins span the photon-energy range 290-813 MeV (W = 1.195-1.553 GeV) and the pion c.m. polar production angles, ranging from 18 deg to 162 deg, making use of model-dependent nuclear corrections to extract pi0 production data on the neutron from measurements on the deuteron target. Additionally, the total photoabsorption cross section was measured. The tagged photon beam produced by the 883-MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI was used for the 0-meson production. Our accumulation of 3.6 x 10^6 $\gamma n \to \pi^0 n$ events allowed a detailed study of the reaction dynamics. Our data are in reasonable agreement with previous A2 measurements and extend them to lower energies. The data are compared to predictions of previous SAID, MAID, and BnGa partial-wave analyses and to the latest SAID fit MA19 that included our data. Selected photon decay amplitudes $N^* \to \gamma n$ at the resonance poles are determined for the first time.
Excitation function at pion c.m. angle THETA=18 deg as function of incident photon energy E. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic, combined in quadrature.
Excitation function at pion c.m. angle THETA=32 deg as function of incident photon energy E. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic, combined in quadrature.
Excitation function at pion c.m. angle THETA=41 deg as function of incident photon energy E. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic, combined in quadrature.
We have investigated the interactions of (650±15) MeV π— in a hydrogen bubble chamber. About 104 pictures were examined and 4561 events (1946 elastic, 1204 neutrals, 1315 single-pion production, 96 multi-pion production) were found along a 33.75·105 cm total track length. The values of the deduced cross-sections are σ(π--p, elastic) = = (17.82 ± 0.70) mb, σ(neutrals) = (11.35 ± 0.54) mb, σ(π-π0p) = (4.79 ± 0.26)mb, σ(π-π+n) = (7.05 ± 0.34)mb, σ(π-π+π0n) = (0.71 ± 0.08)mb, σ(π-π0π0p) = (0.05 ± 0.02)mb, σ(total) = (41.82 ± 0.15) mb For the elastic events, the differential cross-section was fitted by a fifth-order polynomial of cos ϑ and also expanded in a sum of Legendre polynomials: we deduce that the higher azimuthal states, up toF5/2, are present. For the single-pion production the effective mass distributions were compared with the Olsson-Yodh isobar model predictions. The agreement with the model is not very satisfactory for the enhancements in the mass effective spectra of the π+π-, π-π0, di-pion channels nor for the c.m.s. angular distributions.
No description provided.
A new high precision measurement of the reaction pp -> pK+Lambda at a beam momentum of 2.95 GeV/c with more than 200,000 analyzed events allows a detailed analysis of differential observables and their inter-dependencies. Correlations of the angular distributions with momenta are examined. The invariant mass distributions are compared for different regions in the Dalitz plots. The cusp structure at the N Sigma threshold is described with the Flatt\'e formalism and its variation in the Dalitz plot is analyzed.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Double differential cross sections for photons above 20 MeV energy were measured for the p+d reaction at 200 MeV. A comparison is made with previous measurements at 140 and 197 MeV. Below 80 MeV photon energy the cross sections and the angular distribution are in reasonable agreement with a recent calculation of the free pnγ elementary process.
No description provided.
No description provided.
A phase shift analysis of the K<sup loc="post">+</sup>p elastic scattering at 780 MeV/c has been performed. The experimental differential cross section is best explained by a solution with dominant s wave, negative s wave phase shift (−42.7 ± 1 deg.) and small contributions of p and d waves.
Corrected for PI+ P events and scanning efficiency.
The g p -> K^0 Sigma^+ reaction has been measured from threshold to Eg=1.45 GeV (W_cm=1.9 GeV) using the Crystal Ball and TAPS multiphoton spectrometers together with the photon tagging facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. In the present experiment, this reaction was searched for in the 3pi^0 p final state, by assuming K^0_S -> pi^0 pi^0 and Sigma^+ -> pi^0 p. The experimental results include total and differential cross sections as well as the polarization of the recoil hyperon. The new data significantly improve empirical knowledge about the g p -> K^0 Sigma^+ reaction in the measured energy range. The results are compared to previous measurements and model predictions. It is demonstrated that adding the present g p -> K^0 Sigma^+ results to existing data allowed a better description of this reaction with various models.
The differential cross section for photon energies 1125, 1175 and 1225 MeV.
The differential cross section for photon energies 1275, 1325, 1375 and 1425 MeV.
The recoil polarization of the SIGMA+ for photon energy 1125, 1175 and 1225 MeV.
The c.m. angular distribution of π+p elastic scattering at 1.6 GeV/c shows a strong forward diffraction peak decreasing exponentially with a slopeA + = (6.9±0.5) GeV−2 comparable to thatA − = (7.2±0.5) GeV−2 observed in a previous experiment for π-p elastic scattering at the same incident momentum. The behaviour of the π+ and the π− angular distributions is quite different beyond the diffraction peak. The π+p total elastic cross-section is found to be Σ01 = (16.70±0.45) mb.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Cross-sections of single positive pions produced in hydrogen by photons of laboratory energies between 550 and 900 MeV at centre of-mass angle between 0° and 10° have been measured, using a magnetic spectrometer and an appropriate counter arrangement. The experiment is described in detail. Angular distributions at constant y-ray energy and the dependence of the differential cross-section on energy at variousconstant centre-of-mass angles are given and their significance discussed.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The angular distribution π+-p at 1.0 GeV was determined on the basis of l032 events measured in a propane bubble chamber. Comparison is made with data of 820 and 900 MeV and with angular distributions π−+p at similar energies.
No description provided.
The differential cross-section for elastic scattering π−+p has been determined on the basis of 1 421 events observed in a propane bubble chamber. The angular distribution presents a backward bump (θ>90°) of (31.5±1.3)%. The amplitude at 0° obtained extrapolating the angular distribution by means of a least squares fit is compared with the value obtained from the dispersion relations and the optical theorem. New values of the pion proton cross-sections were taken into account for the dispersion relation integrals. Using the same best fit of the angular distribution a value for the interaction radius is obtained from considerations based on the diffraction scattering part.
No description provided.