Measurement of pi- p ---> eta n from threshold to p (pi-) = 747-MeV/c

Prakhov, S. ; Nefkens, B.M.K. ; Allgower, C.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 72 (2005) 015203, 2005.
Inspire Record 687736 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25215

The differential cross section for η production in reaction π−p→ηn has been measured over the full angular range at seven incident π− beam momenta from threshold to pπ−=747 MeV/c using the Crystal Ball multiphoton spectrometer. The angular distributions are S wave dominated. At 10 MeV/c above threshold, a small D-wave contribution appears that interferes with the main S wave. The total η production cross section σtot is obtained by integration of dσ/dΩ. Starting at threshold, σtot rises rapidly, as expected for S-wave-dominated production. The features of the π−p→ηn cross section are strikingly similar to those of the SU(3) flavor-related process K−p→ηΛ. Comparison of the π−p→ηn reaction is made with η photoproduction.

3 data tables

Total cross sections.

Differential cross section for the 4 lowest beam momenta.

Differential cross section for the 3 highest beam momenta.

Measurement of pi- p ---> pi0 n in the vicinity of the eta threshold

Starostin, A. ; Prakhov, S. ; Nefkens, B.M.K. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 72 (2005) 015205, 2005.
Inspire Record 688197 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25171

We report a new measurement of the differential cross section for π−p→π0n from pπ=649 to 752 MeV/c, which is around the opening of the η channel (685 MeV/c). Our data support the main features of the π−p charge-exchange differential cross sections generated by the SAID πN partial-wave analysis. The opening of the η channel has a clear effect on the shape of the excitation function for dσ(π−p→π0n), which is most noticeable in the backward direction.

9 data tables

Differential cross section for incident pion momentum 649, 654 and 657 MeV.

Differential cross section for incident pion momentum 661, 666 and 669 MeV.

Differential cross section for incident pion momentum 673, 678 and 681 MeV.


Measurement of pi- p --> pi0 pi0 n from threshold to p(pi-) 750-MeV/c.

The Crystal Ball collaboration Prakhov, S. ; Nefkens, B.M.K. ; Allgower, C.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 69 (2004) 045202, 2004.
Inspire Record 647544 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25355

Reaction π−p→π0π0n has been measured with high statistics in the beam momentum range 270–750MeV∕c. The data were obtained using the Crystal Ball multiphoton spectrometer, which has 93% of 4π solid angle coverage. The dynamics of the π−p→π0π0n reaction and the dependence on the beam energy are displayed in total cross sections, Dalitz plots, invariant-mass spectra, and production angular distributions. Special attention is paid to the evaluation of the acceptance that is needed for the precision determination of the total cross section σt(π−p→π0π0n). The energy dependence of σt(π−p→π0π0n) shows a shoulder at the Roper resonance [i.e., the N(1440)12+], and there is also a maximum near the N(1520)32−. It illustrates the importance of these two resonances to the π0π0 production process. The Dalitz plots are highly nonuniform; they indicate that the π0π0n final state is dominantly produced via the π0Δ0(1232) intermediate state. The invariant-mass spectra differ much from the phase-space distributions. The production angular distributions are also different from the isotropic distribution, and their structure depends on the beam energy. For beam momenta above 550MeV∕c, the density distribution in the Dalitz plots strongly depends on the angle of the outgoing dipion system (or equivalently on the neutron angle). The role of the f0(600) meson (also known as the σ) in π0π0n production remains controversial.

5 data tables

Measured total cross section. Statistical errors only.

Differential angular distributions of the 2PI0 system for the LH2 data at beam momenta 355 to 472 MeV/c. Statistical errors only.

Differential angular distributions of the 2PI0 system for the LH2 data at beam momenta 550 to 678 MeV/c. Statistical errors only.


Measurement of the pi- p ---> 3 pi0 n total cross section from threshold to 0.75 GeV/c

Starostin, A. ; Nefkens, B.M.K. ; Manley, D.M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 67 (2003) 068201, 2003.
Inspire Record 620818 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25279

We report a new measurement of the π−p→3π0n total cross section from threshold to pπ=0.75GeV/c. The cross section near the N(1535)12− resonance is only a few μb after subtracting the large η→3π0 background associated with π−p→ηn. A simple analysis of our data results in the estimated branching fraction B[S11→πN(1440)12+]=(8±2)%. This is the first such estimate obtained with a three-pion production reaction.

1 data table

Total cross section from threshold to 750 MeV. Only statistical errors are given in the table.

$\pi^- P$ Charge Exchange Analyzing Power From 547-{MeV}/c to 687-{MeV}/c

Wightman, J.A. ; Eichon, A.D. ; Kim, G.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 38 (1988) 3365-3374, 1988.
Inspire Record 270260 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.23237

The π−p charge-exchange analyzing power has been measured from 547 to 687 MeV/c in the center-of-mass angular range -0.9≤cosθ̃π≤0.9 using a transversely polarized target. The recoil neutron was detected in coincidence with a photon from π0 decay. The results are compared with the three recent partial-wave analyses (PWA’s); the VPI analysis is most consistent with our measured distributions except at 687 MeV/c where no PWA agrees with our data. The charge-exchange transversity cross sections are evaluated using the differential cross sections of Borcherding et al. These transversity cross sections are used in conjunction with earlier π±p data by our group to test the triangle inequalities which are a model-independent test of isospin invariance. Our data satisfy these inequalities everywhere; in contrast, Abaev et al. have reported a violation of more than 5 standard deviations at 685 MeV/c.

5 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.


Differential Cross-sections for $\pi^+ P$ and $\pi^- P$ Elastic Scattering From 378-{MeV}/c to 687-{MeV}/c

Sadler, M.E. ; Briscoe, W.J. ; Fitzgerald, D.H. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 35 (1987) 2718-2735, 1987.
Inspire Record 250023 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.23362

Differential cross sections have been measured for π+p and π−p elastic scattering at 378, 408, 427, 471, 509, 547, 586, 625, 657, and 687 MeV/c in the angular range -0.8<cosθc.m.<0.8. The scattered pion and recoil proton were detected in coincidence using scintillation-counter hodoscopes. A liquid-hydrogen target was used except for measurements at forward angles, in which a CH2 target was used. Statistical uncertainties in the data are typically less than 1%. Systematic uncertainties in acceptance and detection efficiency are estimated to be 1%. Absolute normalization uncertainties are 2–3 % for most of the data. The measurements are compared with previous data and with the results of recent partial-wave analyses. The data are fit with Legendre expansions from which total elastic cross sections are obtained.

23 data tables

Normalisation uncertainty = 3.1 pct.

Normalisation uncertainty = 4.1 pct.

Normalisation uncertainty = 2.1 pct.


Analyzing Power for $\pi^- P$ Charge Exchange and a Test of Isospin Invariance Up to $\eta$ Threshold

Wightman, J.A. ; Eichon, A.D. ; Kim, G.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 36 (1987) 3529-3532, 1987.
Inspire Record 255689 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.23322

The analyzing power for π−p→π0n has been measured at five incident momenta from 547 to 687 MeV/c using a transversely polarized target. Data were obtained with scintillation counters at 10 angles simultaneously covering the range −0.9≤cosθc.m.π≤0.9. Our results and those of Kim et al. are used for a model-independent test of isospin invariance which is based on the triangle inequalities applied to the transversity-up as well as the transversity-down cross sections. No evidence is found of isospin violation.

5 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.



Sadler, M.E. ; Seftor, C.J. ; Borcherding, F.O. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 119 (1982) 69-71, 1982.
Inspire Record 184515 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.30826

Differential cross sections for π ± p→ π ± p have been measured at P π between 378 and 687 MeV / c at 9 angles in the range −0.8⩽cos θ c.m. ⩽0.6. Scattered pions and recoil protons were detected in coincidence using scintillation counter hodoscopes. For almost all of the data the statistical and normalization uncertainties are each less than 2%. Our measurements are compared with existing data and the results of recent partial wave analyses.

10 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.


Charge exchange and production of eta mesons and multiple neutral pions in pi- p reactions between 654 and 1247 mev/c

Bulos, F. ; Lanou, R.E. ; Piper, A.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 187 (1969) 1827-1844, 1969.
Inspire Record 62084 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.5293

An experiment designed to study the π−p total neutral cross section and its breakdown into several channels has been performed at eleven incident pion momenta ranging from 654 to 1247 MeV/c. Angular distributions for the charge exchange π0 and for η0 production are given in terms of Legendre-polynomial expansion coefficients. Forward and backward differential cross sections are presented for the charge-exchange channel and comparisons with recent dispersion-relation predictions for the forward cross section are made.

34 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.
