Event shape and charged particle inclusive distributions are measured using 750000 decays of the Z to hadrons from the DELPHI detector at LEP. These precise data allow a decisive confrontation with models of the hadronization process. Improved tunings of the JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG parton shower models and the JETSET matrix element model are obtained by fitting the models to these DELPHI data as well as to identified particle distributions from all LEP experiments. The description of the data distributions by the models is critically reviewed with special importance attributed to identified particles.
Transverse momentum PTIN w.r.t. the Thrust axis. For the first table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged particles corrected to final state particles. For the second table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged plus neutral particles corrected to final state charged plus neutral particles.
Transverse momentum PTOUT w.r.t. the Thrust axis. For the first table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged particles corrected to final state particles. For the second table Thrust axis definition is from seen charged plus neutral particles corrected to final state charged plus neutral particles.
Transverse momentum PTIN w.r.t. the Sphericity axis. For the first table Sphericity axis definition is from seen charged particles corrected to final state particles. For the second table Sphericity axis definition is from seen charged plus neutral particles corrected to final state charged plus neutral particles.
The production of charmed mesons$$\mathop {D^0 }\limits^{( - )} $$,D
No description provided.
The DSYS error is due to the error in the branching ratio.
The DSYS error is due to the error in the branching ratio.
A study of the fragmentation properties of charm and bottom quarks intoD mesons is presented. From 263 700Z0 hadronic decays collected in 1991 with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider,D0,D+ andD*+ are reconstructed in the modesK−π+,K−π+K+ andD0π+ followed byD0→K−π+, respectively. The fractional decay widths\(\Gamma {{(Z^0\to {D \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {D {\bar D}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\bar D}}X)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(Z^0\to {D \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {D {\bar D}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\bar D}}X)} {\Gamma _h }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\Gamma _h }}\) are determined, and first results are presented for the production ofD mesons from\(c\bar c\) and\(b\bar b\) events separately. The average energy fraction ofD*± in charm quark fragmentation is found to be 〈XE(D*)〉c=0.487±0.015 (stat)±0.005 (sys.). Assuming that the fraction ofDs and charm-baryons produced at LEP is similar to that around 10 GeV, theZ0 partial width into charm quark pairs is determined to beΓc/Γh=0.187±0.031 (stat)±0.023 (sys). The probability for ab quark to fragment into\(\bar B_s \) orb-baryons is inferred to be 0.268±0.094 (stat)±0.100 (sys) from the measured probability that it fragments into a\(\bar B^0 \) orB−.
Using full data sample.
Using full data sample with proper time > 1 ps to enrich (b bbar) content.
Data with Delta(L) > 1.