The charged particle multiplicities of two- and three-jet events from the reaction e+e- -> Z0 -> hadrons are measured for Z0 decays to light quark (uds) flavors. Using recent theoretical expressions to account for biases from event selection, results corresponding to unbiased gluon jets are extracted over a range of jet energies from about 11 to 30 GeV. We find consistency between these results and direct measurements of unbiased gluon jet multiplicity from upsilon and Z0 decays. The unbiased gluon jet data including the direct measurements are compared to corresponding results for quark jets. We perform fits based on analytic expressions for particle multiplicity in jets to determine the ratio r = Ng/Nq of multiplicities between gluon and quark jets as a function of energy. We also determine the ratio of slopes, r(1) = (dNg/dy)/(dNq/dy), and of curvatures, r(2) = (d2Ng/dy2)/(d2Nq/dy2), where y specifies the energy scale. At 30 GeV, we find r = 1.422 +/- 0.051, r(1) = 1.761 +/- 0.071 and r(2) = 1.98 +/- 0.13, where the uncertainties are the statistical and systematic terms added in quadrature. These results are in general agreement with theoretical predictions. In addition, we use the measurements of the energy dependence of Ng and Nq to determine an effective value of the ratio of QCD color factors, CA/CF. Our result, CA/CF = 2.23 +/- 0.14 (total), is consistent with the QCD value of 2.25.
Measurements of the mean charged particle multiplicity of biased two-jet uds flavour events from Z0 decays as a function of the transverse momentum cutoff PT(C=LU) used to separate two- and three-jet events.
Measurements of the mean charged particle multiplicity of three-jet uds flavour 'Y events' from Z0 decays, as a function of the angle THETA1 between the lowest two energy jets. The results for the quark jet scale SQRT(S(C=QQBAR)) and the gluon jet scales PT(C=LU) and PT(C=LE) are also given.
Measurements of the unbiased gluon multiplicity as a function of the energy scale Q=PT(C=LU). The corresponding bins of THETA1 in 'Y events' are also indicated.
Hadronic Z decay data taken with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 are used to measure the three-jet rate as well as moments of various event-shape variables. The ratios of the observables obtained from b-tagged events and from an inclusive sample are determined. The mass of the b quark is extracted from a fit to the measured ratios using a next-to-leading order prediction including mass effects. Taking the first moment of the y3 distribution, which is the observable with the smallest hadronization corrections and systematic uncertainties, the result is: mb(MZ) = [3.27+-0.22(stat) +-0.22(exp)+-0.38(had)+-0.16(theo)] GeV/c2. The measured ratio is alternatively employed to test the flavour independence of the strong coupling constant for b and light quarks.
No description provided.
Gluon jets are identified in hadronic Z0 decays as all the particles in a hemisphere opposite to a hemisphere containing two tagged quark jets. Gluon jets defined in this manner are equivalent to gluon jets produced from a color singlet point source and thus correspond to the definition employed for most theoretical calculations. In a separate stage of the analysis, we select quark jets in a manner to correspond to calculations, as the particles in hemispheres of flavor tagged light quark (uds) events. We present the distributions of rapidity, scaled energy, the logarithm of the momentum, and transverse momentum with respect to the jet axes, for charged particles in these gluon and quark jets. We also examine the charged particle multiplicity distributions of the jets in restricted intervals of rapidity. For soft particles at large transverse momentum, we observe the charged particle multiplicity ratio of gluon to quark jets to be 2.29 +- 0.09 +- 0.15 in agreement with the prediction that this ratio should approximately equal the ratio of QCD color factors, CA/CF = 2.25. The intervals used to define soft particles and large transverse momentum for this result, p<4 GeV/c and 0.8<p_t<3.0 GeV/c, are motivated by the predictions of the Herwig Monte Carlo multihadronic event generator. Additionally, our gluon jet data allow a sensitive test of the phenomenon of non-leading QCD terms known as color reconnection. We test the model of color reconnection implemented in the Ariadne Monte Carlo multihadronic event generator and find it to be disfavored by our data.
(C=GLUON) and (C=QUARK) stand for jets originated from gluon and any light quark (Q=u, d, s), correspondingly. The ratio of gluon to quark jets are evaluated for 40.1 GeV jet energy.
(C=GLUON) and (C=QUARK) stand for jets originated from gluon and any light quark (Q=u, d, s), correspondingly. The ratio of gluon to quark jets are evaluated for 40.1 GeV jet energy.
(C=GLUON) and (C=QUARK) stand for jets originated from gluon and any light quark (Q=u, d, s), correspondingly. The ratio of gluon to quark jets are evaluated for 40.1 GeV jet energy.
Data collected at the Z resonance using the DELPHI detector at LEP are used to determine the charged hadron multiplicity in gluon and quark jets as a function of a transverse momentum-like scale. The colour factor ratio, \cacf, is directly observed in the increase of multiplicities with that scale. The smaller than expected multiplicity ratio in gluon to quark jets is understood by differences in the hadronization of the leading quark or gluon. From the dependence of the charged hadron multiplicity on the opening angle in symmetric three-jet events the colour factor ratio is measured to be: C_A/C_F = 2.246 \pm 0.062 (stat.) \pm 0.080 (syst.) \pm 0.095 (theo.)
Charged multiplicity in events with a hard photon, as a function of the apparent centre-of-mass energy (SQRT(S)) of the hadronic system. The errors shown are statistical only.
Charged multiplicity in symmetric three jet events as function of the opening angle between the low energetic jets, THETA1. Jets are defined from charged and neutral particles using the DURHAM algorithm. The errors shown are statistical only.
Twice the difference of the multiplicity in three jet events and in qqbar events of comparable scale 2(N_3jet-N_qqbar). The three-jet event multiplicity isequal to the data of Fig. 3c), the qqbar-multiplicity is taken from a fit of th e e+e- data corrected for the varying b-quark contribution. This multiplicity can be identified with the multiplicity of a hypothetical gluon-gluon event. Thereis a normalization uncertainty (i.e. a scale independent constant) of the gluon -gluon event multiplicity which should not influence the slope of the gg-multiplicity with scale (see paper). The errors shown are statistical only.
The production of K^0_S mesons and Lambda baryons in quark and gluon jets has been investigated using two complementary techniques. In the first approach, which provides high statistical accuracy, jets were selected using different jet finding algorithms and ordered according to their energy. Production rates were determined taking into account the dependences of quark and gluon compositions as a function of jet energy as predicted by Monte Carlo models. Selecting three-jet events with the k_perp (Durham) jet finder (y_cut = 0.005), the ratios of K^0_S and Lambda production rates in gluon and quark jets relative to the mean charged particle multiplicity were found to be 1.10 +/- 0.02 +/- 0.02 and 1.41 +/- 0.04 +/- 0.04, respectively, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. In the second approach, a new method of identifying quark jets based on the collimation of energy flow around the jet axis is introduced and was used to anti-tag gluon jets in symmetric (Y-shaped) three-jet events. Using the cone jet finding algorithm with a cone size of 30 degrees, the ratios of relative production rates in gluon and quark jets were determined to be 0.94 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.07 for K^0_S and 1.18 +/- 0.10 +/- 0.17 for Lambda. The results of both analyses are compared to the predictions of Monte Carlo models.
Ratios of relative yields.
Ratios of absolute rates.
An experimental investigation of the structure of identified quark and gluon jets is presented. Observables related to both the global and internal structure of jets are measured; this allows for test
The measured jet broadening distributions (B) in quark and gluon jets seperately.
Measured distributions of -LN(Y2), where Y2 is the differential one-subjet rate, that is the value of the subjet scale parameter where 2 jets appear from the single jet.
The mean subjet multiplicity (-1) for gluon jets and quark jets for different values of the subject resolution parameter Y0.
The splitting processes in identified quark and gluon jets are investigated using longitudinal and transverse observables. The jets are selected from symmetric three-jet events measured in Z decays with the Delphi detector in 1991-1994. Gluon jets are identified using heavy quark anti-tagging. Scaling violations in identified gluon jets are observed for the first time. The scale energy dependence of the gluon fragmentation function is found to be about two times larger than for the corresponding quark jets, consistent with the QCD expectation CA/CF. The primary splitting of gluons and quarks into subjets agrees with fragmentation models and, for specific regions of the jet resolution y, with NLLA calculations. The maximum of the ratio of the primary subjet splittings in quark and gluon jets is 2.77±0.11±0.10. Due to non-perturbative effects, the data are below the expectation at small y. The transition from the perturbative to the non-perturbative domain appears at smaller y for quark jets than for gluon jets. Combined with the observed behaviour of the higher rank splittings, this explains the relatively small multiplicity ratio between gluon and quark jets.
Scaled energy distribution of charged hadrons produced in Quark jets in 'Y'topology 3-JET events.
Scaled energy distribution of charged hadrons produced in Gluon jets in 'Y'topology 3-JET events.
Scaled energy distribution of charged hadrons produced in Quark jets in 'Mercedes' topology 3-JET events.
We have studied hadronic events produced at LEP at a centre-of-mass energy of 161 GeV. We present distributions of event shape variables, jet rates, charged particle momentum spectra and multiplicities. We determine the strong coupling strength to be αs(161 GeV) = 0.101±0.005(stat.)±0.007(syst.), the mean charged particle multiplicity to be 〈nch〉(161 GeV) = 24.46 ± 0.45(stat.) ± 0.44(syst.) and the position of the peak in the ξp = ln(1/xp) distribution to be ξ0(161 GeV) = 4.00 ±0.03(stat.)±0.04(syst.). These results are compared to data taken at lower centre-of-mass energies and to analytic QCD or Monte Carlo predictions. Our measured value of αs(161 GeV) is consistent with other measurements of αs. Within the current statistical and systematic uncertainties, the PYTHIA, HERWIG and ARIADNE QCD Monte Carlo models and analytic calculations are in overall agreement with our measurements. The COJETS QCD Monte Carlo is in general agreement with the data for momentum weighted distributions like Thrust, but predicts a significantly larger charged particle multiplicity than is observed experimentally.
Determination of alpha_s.
Multiplicity and higher moments.
Thrust distribution.
A sample of about 1.4 million hadronic Z decays, selected among the data recorded by the DELPHI detector at LEP during 1994, was used to measure for the first time the momentum spectra of K + , K 0 , p , Λ and their antiparticles in gluon and quark jets. As observed for inclusive charged particles, the production spectra of identified particles were found to be softer in gluon jets than in quark jets, with a higher total multiplicity.
Y events.
Mercedes events.
Inclusive charged particle and event shape distributions are measured using 321 hadronic events collected with the DELPHI experiment at LEP at effective centre of mass energies of 130 to 136 GeV. These distributions are presented and compared to data at lower energies, in particular to the precise Z data. Fragmentation models describe the observed changes of the distributions well. The energy dependence of the means of the event shape variables can also be described using second order QCD plus power terms. A method independent of fragmentation model corrections is used to determine αs from the energy dependence of the mean thrust and heavy jet mass. It is measured to be: $$←pha _s(133 {⤪ GeV})={0.116}pm {0.007}_{exp-0.004theo}^{+0.005}$$ from the high energy data.
mean values for event shape variables.
Integral of event shape distribution over the specified interval.
Integral of event shape distribution over the specified interval.