Elastic scattering of p¯ on p has been studied for cosθc.m. between -0.88 and -1.0 and Plab(p¯) between 0.70 and 2.16 GeV/c. The momentum dependence of the cross section shows a sharp dip at 0.9 GeV/c and a broad peaking around 1.4 GeV/c. The possibility of the peak resulting from direct formation of boson resonances has been studied. Alternatively, a diffraction model agrees qualitatively with our data and other elastic data at different angles.
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The cross section for photoproduction of single π+ from hydrogen has been measured at laboratory angles of 110°, 127.5° and 152°, between 0.9- and 3.2-GeV incident photon energy. Measurements have been made with approximately 15% statistical accuracy at about 40 photon energies at each angle. The results agree well with the previous Caltech data of Thiessen. The cross section shows a rapid drop with increasing energy with superimposed bumps or shoulders corresponding to the N(1688), Δ(1920), and Δ(2420). A shallow minimum is observed at the N(2190) resonance.
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Polarization and differential cross-section data for elastic scattering of positive pions on protons between 0.82 and 2.74 GeV/ c are presented. A dip in the polarization, at constant u ≈ −0.65 GeV 2 , is observed. The data are compared with published phase-shift analyses.
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Differential cross sections are presented for pion-proton elastic scattering in the angular range −0.6≳cosθc.m.≳−0.98 at 15 incident π+ momenta from 2.18−5.25 GeVc. The angular distributions rise steeply near 180° at all momenta. For laboratory momenta ≳2.75 GeVc they show a minimum at u≈−0.17 (GeVc)2 and a broad maximum near u≈−0.6 (GeVc)2. When the data are plotted versus s, for fixed u, a strong signal from the Δ(2420) resonance is observed. The data are compared with a direct-channel resonance model and with a Regge model which considers the exchange of the Nα, Nγ, and Δδ Regge trajectories. The qualitative success of both the direct-channel resonance model and the Regge model lends support to the concept of duality.
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Proton Compton scattering has been measured in a coincidence experiment at photon energies between 2.2 and 7 GeV and four-momentum transfers t between −0.06 and −0.85(GeV/ c ) 2 . For ∣ t ∣ ⩽ 0.4 (GeV/ c ) 2 fits of the form d σ /d t = ( A · exp( Bt )) yield forward cross sections A in good agreement with the values calculated from the total hadronic γ p cross section via the optical theorem and the forward dispersion relation. The slopes B do not show a significant energy dependence, the mean value being 5.7 ± 0.4 (GeV/ c ) −2 . The cross section is substantially larger than predicted by the vector-meson dominance model.
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We have studied the process p¯p into π+X− using wire spark chambers. The data cover the angular range of cosθp¯π+* between 0.96 and 1.0 at several incident momenta between 1 and 2 GeVc. The reaction p¯p→π+ρ− was observed with (dσdΩ)* of the order of 100 μb/sr at several momenta.
We have studied the reaction e−+p→e−+π++n by detecting the final electron and pion in coincidence. Data are presented in the region of virtual photon mass squared from -0.18 to -1.2 GeV2, and virtual photoproduction center-of-mass energy and angle from 1.85 to 2.50 GeV and 0 to 20°, respectively.
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The differential cross sections for π−p elastic scattering over the angular range 155° to 177° in the center of mass have been measured at 33 incident-pion momenta in the range 600 to 1280 MeV/c. Angular distributions are presented. The extrapolated differential cross sections at 180° show considerable structure, in particular a dip near 1150 MeV/c. In general the near-180° cross sections do not agree with existing phase shift solutions above 1000 MeV/c
The π+ photoproduction cross section in hydrogen has been measured at 180° for photon energies from 0.22 to 3.1 GeV by detecting the pion in the backward direction. The statistical accuracy of the measurements varies typically from 3 to 10% depending on the energy. The data are compared with other recent experimental results and predictions of phenomenological theories.
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Proton-proton elastic differential cross sections have been measured for incident laboratory momenta of 600-1800 MeVc and c.m. angles of 5°-90°. The data span, in a single experiment, the intermediate energy region from isotropic differential cross sections at lower energies to the development of a clear diffraction peak at higher energies. Parameters for phenomenological formulations derived from the experimental results are presented.
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