Studies of hadronic event structure in e+ e- annihilation from 30-GeV to 209-GeV with the L3 detector

The L3 collaboration Achard, P. ; Adriani, O. ; Aguilar-Benitez, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71-174, 2004.
Inspire Record 652683 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.54900

In this Report, QCD results obtained from a study of hadronic event structure in high energy e^+e^- interactions with the L3 detector are presented. The operation of the LEP collider at many different collision energies from 91 GeV to 209 GeV offers a unique opportunity to test QCD by measuring the energy dependence of different observables. The main results concern the measurement of the strong coupling constant, \alpha_s, from hadronic event shapes and the study of effects of soft gluon coherence through charged particle multiplicity and momentum distributions.

68 data tables

Jet fractions using the JADE algorithm as a function of the jet resolution parameter YCUT at c.m. energy 130.1 GeV.

Jet fractions using the JADE algorithm as a function of the jet resolution parameter YCUT at c.m. energy 136.1 GeV.

Jet fractions using the JADE algorithm as a function of the jet resolution parameter YCUT at c.m. energy 161.3 GeV.


A study of the energy evolution of event shape distributions and their means with the DELPHI detector at LEP.

The DELPHI collaboration Abdallah, J. ; Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 29 (2003) 285-312, 2003.
Inspire Record 620250 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.13029

Infrared and collinear safe event shape distributions and their mean values are determined in e+e- collisions at centre-of-mass energies between 45 and 202 GeV. A phenomenological analysis based on power correction models including hadron mass effects for both differential distributions and mean values is presented. Using power corrections, alpha_s is extracted from the mean values and shapes. In an alternative approach, renormalisation group invariance (RGI) is used as an explicit constraint, leading to a consistent description of mean values without the need for sizeable power corrections. The QCD beta-function is precisely measured using this approach. From the DELPHI data on Thrust, including data from low energy experiments, one finds beta_0 = 7.86 +/- 0.32 for the one loop coefficient of the beta-function or, assuming QCD, n_f = 4.75 +/- 0.44 for the number of active flavours. These values agree well with the QCD expectation of beta_0=7.67 and n_f=5. A direct measurement of the full logarithmic energy slope excludes light gluinos with a mass below 5 GeV.

71 data tables

1-THRUST distribution.

THRUST-MAJOR distribution.

THRUST-MINOR distribution.


Determination of alpha(s) from hadronic event shapes in e+ e- annihilation at 192-GeV <= s**(1/2) <= 208-GeV

The L3 collaboration Achard, P. ; Adriani, O. ; Aguilar-Benitez, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 536 (2002) 217-228, 2002.
Inspire Record 586115 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.49741

Results are presented from a study of the structure of high energy hadronic events recorded by the L3 detector at sqrt(s)>192 GeV. The distributions of several event shape variables are compared to resummed O(alphaS^2) QCD calculations. We determine the strong coupling constant at three average centre-of-mass energies: 194.4, 200.2 and 206.2 GeV. These measurements, combined with previous L3 measurements at lower energies, demonstrate the running of alphaS as expected in QCD and yield alphaS(mZ) = 0.1227 +- 0.0012 +- 0.0058, where the first uncertainty is experimental and the second is theoretical.

9 data tables

The measured ALPHA_S at three centre-of-mass energies from fits to the individual event shape distributions. The first error is statistcal, the first DSYS error is the experimental systematic uncertainty, and the second DSYS error is the theoryuncertainty.

Updated ALPHA_S measurements from the BT, BW and C-Parameter distributions,from earlier L3 data at lower centre-of-mass energies.. The first error is the total experimental error (stat+sys in quadrature) and the DSYS error is the theory uncertainty.

Combined ALPHA_S values from the five event shape variables. The first error is statistical, the first DSYS error is the experimental systematic uncertainity, the second DSYS error is the uncertainty from the hadronisdation models, andthethird DSYS errpr is the uncertainty due to uncalculated higher orders in the QCDpredictions.
