We have measured proton and deuteron virtual photon-nucleon asymmetries A2p and A2d and structure functions g2p and g2d over the range 0.03<x<0.8 and 1.3<Q2<10 (GeV/c)2 by inelastically scattering polarized electrons off polarized ammonia targets. Results for A2 are significantly smaller than the positivity limit sqrt(R) for both targets. Within experimental precision, the g2 data are well-described by the twist-2 contribution g2WW. Twist-3 matrix elements have been extracted and are compared to theorectical predictions.
Proton data measured in the 4.5 degree spectrometer.
Proton data measured in the 7.0 degree spectrometer.
Deuteron data measured in the 4.5 degree spectrometer.