Angular distributions of the decay B$^+$$\to$ K$^*$(892)$^+\mu^+\mu^-$ are studied using events collected with the CMS detector in $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.0 fb$^{-1}$. The forward-backward asymmetry of the muons and the longitudinal polarization of the K$^*$(892)$^+$ meson are determined as a function of the square of the dimuon invariant mass. These are the first results from this exclusive decay mode and are in agreement with a standard model prediction.
The measured signal yields, FL, AFB in bins of the dimuon invariant mass squared. The first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.
The inclusive $D_s^{\pm}$ production asymmetry is measured in $pp$ collisions collected by the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s} =7$ and 8 TeV. Promptly produced $D_s^{\pm}$ mesons are used, which decay as $D_s^{\pm}\to\phi\pi^{\pm}$, with $\phi\to K^+K^-$. The measurement is performed in bins of transverse momentum, $p_{\rm T}$, and rapidity, $y$, covering the range $2.5
Values of the $D_s^+$ production asymmetry in percent, including, respectively, the statistical and systematic uncertainties for each of the $D_s^+$ kinematic bins using the combined $\sqrt{s} =7$ and 8 TeV data sets. The statistical and systematic uncertainties include the corresponding contributions from the detection asymmetries, and are therefore correlated between the bins. ASYM is defined as ASYM = ((SIG(D/S+)-SIG(D/S-))/(SIG(D/S+)+SIG(D/S+)).
Values of the $D_s^+$ production asymmetry in percent, including, respectively, the statistical and systematic uncertainties for each of the $D_s^+$ kinematic bins using the $\sqrt{s} =7$ TeV data set. The statistical and systematic uncertainties include the corresponding contributions from the detection asymmetries, and are therefore correlated between the bins. ASYM is defined as ASYM = ((SIG(D/S+)-SIG(D/S-))/(SIG(D/S+)+SIG(D/S+)).
Values of the $D_s^+$ production asymmetry in percent, including, respectively, the statistical and systematic uncertainties for each of the $D_s^+$ kinematic bins using the $\sqrt{s} =8$ TeV data set. The statistical and systematic uncertainties include the corresponding contributions from the detection asymmetries, and are therefore correlated between the bins. ASYM is defined as ASYM = ((SIG(D/S+)-SIG(D/S-))/(SIG(D/S+)+SIG(D/S+)).
An analysis of the decay $\Lambda_b \to J/\psi(\to\mu^+\mu^-)\Lambda(\to p \pi^-)$ decay is performed to measure the $\Lambda_b$ polarization and three angular parameters in data from pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 7 and 8 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The $\Lambda_b$ polarization is measured to be 0.00 $\pm$ 0.06 (stat) $\pm$ 0.06 (syst) and the parity-violating asymmetry parameter is determined to be 0.14 $\pm$ 0.14 (stat) $\pm$ 0.10 (syst). The measurements are compared to various theoretical predictions, including those from perturbative quantum chromodynamics.
The measured values of the angular parameters and the $\Lambda_b$ polarization.
The values of the helicity amplitudes in the decay.
Correlation matrix for the fitted parameters.
Measurements of the differential branching fraction and angular moments of the decay $B^0 \to K^+ \pi^- \mu^+ \mu^-$ in the $K^+\pi^-$ invariant mass range $1330<m(K^+ \pi^-)<1530~MeV/c^2$ are presented. Proton-proton collision data are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 $fb^{-1}$ collected by the LHCb experiment. Differential branching fraction measurements are reported in five bins of the invariant mass squared of the dimuon system, $q^2$, between 0.1 and 8.0 $GeV^2/c^4$. For the first time, an angular analysis sensitive to the S-, P- and D-wave contributions of this rare decay is performed. The set of 40 normalised angular moments describing the decay is presented for the $q^2$ range 1.1--6.0 $GeV^2/c^4$.
: Differential branching fraction of $B^0 \to K^+ \pi^- \mu^+ \mu^-$ in bins of $q^2$ for the range $1330<m(K^+ \pi^-)<1530~MeV/c^2$. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third due to the uncertainty on the $B^0 \to J/\psi K^*(892)^0$ and $J/\psi \to \mu\mu$ branching fractions.
Measurement of the normalised moments, $\overline{\Gamma}_{i}$, of the decay $B^0 \to K^+ \pi^- \mu^+ \mu^-$ in the range $1.1< q^2<6.0 GeV^2/c^4$ and $1330<m(K^+ \pi^-)<1530~MeV/c^2$. The first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
Full covariance matrix of the normalised moments. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are combined.
The differential cross section and charge asymmetry for inclusive pp to W + X to mu + neutrino + X production at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV are measured as a function of muon pseudorapidity. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 18.8 inverse femtobarns recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC. These results provide important constraints on the parton distribution functions of the proton in the range of the Bjorken scaling variable x from 10E-3 to 10E-1.
Summary of the measured differential cross section $d\sigma^{+}/d\eta$. The theoretical predictions are obtained using the FEWZ 3.1 NNLO MC tool interfaced with five different PDF sets.
Summary of the measured differential cross section $d\sigma^{-}/d\eta$. The theoretical predictions are obtained using the FEWZ 3.1 NNLO MC tool interfaced with five different PDF sets.
Summary of the measured charge asymmetry $\mathcal{A}$. The theoretical predictions are obtained using the FEWZ 3.1 NNLO MC tool interfaced with five different PDF sets.
A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry A[FB] of oppositely charged lepton pairs (mu mu and e e) produced via Z/gamma* boson exchange in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV is presented. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 inverse femtobarns collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurement of A[FB] is performed for dilepton masses between 40 GeV and 2 TeV and for dilepton rapidity up to 5. The A[FB] measurements as a function of dilepton mass and rapidity are compared with the standard model predictions.
Unfolded combined measurements of AFB in each M-|y| bin (mu+mu- and e+e- combined).
Unfolded measurement of AFB for the forward rapidity region (e+e-).
Unfolded measurements of AFB in each M-|y| bin (mu+mu-).
In the $pp \rightarrow t\bar{t}$ process the angular distributions of top and anti-top quarks are expected to present a subtle difference, which could be enhanced by processes not included in the Standard Model. This Letter presents a measurement of the charge asymmetry in events where the top-quark pair is produced with a large invariant mass. The analysis is performed on 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, using reconstruction techniques specifically designed for the decay topology of highly boosted top quarks. The charge asymmetry in a fiducial region with large invariant mass of the top-quark pair ($m_{t\bar{t}} > $ 0.75 TeV) and an absolute rapidity difference of the top and anti-top quark candidates within $-$2 $ < |y_t| - |y_{\bar{t}}| <$ 2 is measured to be 4.2 $\pm$ 3.2%, in agreement with the Standard Model prediction at next-to-leading order. A differential measurement in three $t\bar{t}$ mass bins is also presented.
The measured charge asymmetry after the unfolding to parton level in four intervals of the invariant mass of the $t\bar{t}$ system. The phase space is limited to $|(\Delta |y|)|<$ 2. The uncertainties correspond to the sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic uncertainties (for the data) or to the theory uncertainty (for the SM prediction).
An angular analysis of the $B^{0}\rightarrow K^{*0}(\rightarrow K^{+}\pi^{-})\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ decay is presented. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of $3.0\,{\mbox{fb}^{-1}}$ of $pp$ collision data collected at the LHCb experiment. The complete angular information from the decay is used to determine $C\!P$-averaged observables and $C\!P$ asymmetries, taking account of possible contamination from decays with the $K^{+}\pi^{-}$ system in an S-wave configuration. The angular observables and their correlations are reported in bins of $q^2$, the invariant mass squared of the dimuon system. The observables are determined both from an unbinned maximum likelihood fit and by using the principal moments of the angular distribution. In addition, by fitting for $q^2$-dependent decay amplitudes in the region $1.1<q^{2}<6.0\mathrm{\,Ge\kern -0.1em V}^{2}/c^{4}$, the zero-crossing points of several angular observables are computed. A global fit is performed to the complete set of $C\!P$-averaged observables obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. This fit indicates differences with predictions based on the Standard Model at the level of 3.4 standard deviations. These differences could be explained by contributions from physics beyond the Standard Model, or by an unexpectedly large hadronic effect that is not accounted for in the Standard Model predictions.
CP-averaged angular observables evaluated by the unbinned maximum likelihood fit.
CP-averaged angular observables evaluated by the unbinned maximum likelihood fit. The first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic.
CP-asymmetric angular observables evaluated by the unbinned maximum likelihood fit. The first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic.
Measurements are presented of electroweak boson production using data from $pp$ collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 8\mathrm{\,Te\kern -0.1em V}$. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of $2.0\mathrm{\,fb}^{-1}$ recorded with the LHCb detector. The bosons are identified in the $W\rightarrow\mu\nu$ and $Z\rightarrow\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ decay channels. The cross-sections are measured for muons in the pseudorapidity range $2.0 < \eta < 4.5$, with transverse momenta $p_{\rm T} > 20{\mathrm{\,Ge\kern -0.1em V\!/}c}$ and, in the case of the $Z$ boson, a dimuon mass within $60 < M_{\mu^{+}\mu^{-}} < 120{\mathrm{\,Ge\kern -0.1em V\!/}c^{2}}$. The results are \begin{align*} \sigma_{W^{+}\rightarrow\mu^{+}\nu} &= 1093.6 \pm 2.1 \pm 7.2 \pm 10.9 \pm 12.7{\rm \,pb} \, , \sigma_{W^{-}\rightarrow\mu^{-}\bar{\nu}} &= \phantom{0}818.4 \pm 1.9 \pm 5.0 \pm \phantom{0}7.0 \pm \phantom{0}9.5{\rm \,pb} \, , \sigma_{Z\rightarrow\mu^{+}\mu^{-}} &= \phantom{00}95.0 \pm 0.3 \pm 0.7 \pm \phantom{0}1.1 \pm \phantom{0}1.1{\rm \,pb} \, , \end{align*} where the first uncertainties are statistical, the second are systematic, the third are due to the knowledge of the LHC beam energy and the fourth are due to the luminosity determination. The evolution of the $W$ and $Z$ boson cross-sections with centre-of-mass energy is studied using previously reported measurements with $1.0\mathrm{\,fb}^{-1}$ of data at $7\mathrm{\,Te\kern -0.1em V}$. Differential distributions are also presented. Results are in good agreement with theoretical predictions at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics.
Inclusive cross-section for $W^+$ and $W^-$ boson production in bins of muon pseudorapidity. The uncertainties are statistical, systematic, beam and luminosity.
Inclusive cross-section for $Z$ boson production in bins of rapidity. The uncertainties are statistical, systematic, beam and luminosity.
Inclusive cross-section for $Z$ boson production in bins of transverse momentum. The uncertainties are statistical, systematic, beam and luminosity.
A first measurement of the top quark spin asymmetry, sensitive to the top quark polarisation, in t-channel single top quark production is presented. It is based on a sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 inverse-femtobarns. A high-purity sample of t-channel single top quark events with an isolated muon is selected. Signal and background components are estimated using a fit to data. A differential cross section measurement, corrected for detector effects, of an angular observable sensitive to the top quark polarisation is performed. The differential distribution is used to extract a top quark spin asymmetry of 0.26 +/- 0.03 (stat) +/- 0.10 (syst), which is compatible with a p-value of 4.6% with the standard model prediction of 0.44.
The normalized differential cross section as a function of unfolded $\cos\theta_{\mu}^{*}$ for top quark.
The normalized differential cross section as a function of unfolded $\cos\theta_{\mu}^{*}$ for top antiquark.
The normalized differential cross section as a function of unfolded $\cos\theta_{\mu}^{*}$ for top quark and antiquark.