The spin asymmetry in deep inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarised muons by longitudinally polarised protons has been measured over a large x range (0.01< x <0.7). The spin-dependent structure function g 1 ( x ) for the proton has been determined and its integral over x found to be 0.114±0.012±0.026, in disagreement with the Ellis-Jaffe sum rule. Assuming the validity of the Bjorken sum rule, this result implies a significant negative value for the integral of g 1 for the neutron. These values for the integrals of g 1 lead to the conclusion that the total quark spin constitutes a rather small fraction of the spin of the nucleon.
THE AVERAGE VALUES OF Q**2 IN EACH X-BIN ARE AS FOLLOWS: X=0.015,Q2=3.5: X=0.025,Q2=4.5: X=0.035,Q2=6.0: X=0.050,Q2=8.0: X=0.078,Q2=10.3: X=0.124,Q2=12.9: X=0.175,Q2=15.2: X=0.248,Q2=18.0: X=0.344,Q2=22.5: X=0.466,Q2=29.5.