A Study of the Centrally Produced $K^*0 \bar{K}^*$0 Final State in the Reaction $p p \to p$(f) ($K^+ K^- \pi^+ \pi^-$) $p(s$) at 300-{GeV}/$c$

The WA76 collaboration Armstrong, T.A. ; Benayoun, M. ; Beusch, W. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 46 (1990) 405-410, 1990.
Inspire Record 287163 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15199

The reactionpp→pf(K+K-π+π-)ps, where theK+K− π+π- system is centrally produced, has been studied at 300 GeV/c. TheK*0\(K^{*0} \bar K^{*0} \) final state has been observed and the cross sections for its central production are found to be the same at 300 and 85 GeV/c. TheK*0\(K^{*0} \bar K^{*0} \) final state appears to be produced as a non-resonant threshold enhancement.

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Cross sections for centrally produced vector-vector final states with mass greater than the phi-phi production threshold.

Evidence for New States Produced in the Central Region in the Reaction $p p \to p$(f) ($\pi^+ \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^-$) $p(s$) at 300-{GeV}/$c$

The WA76 collaboration Armstrong, T.A. ; Benayoun, Maurice ; Beusch, W. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 228 (1989) 536-542, 1989.
Inspire Record 280165 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29783

The reaction pp→p f ( π + π − π + π − )p s , where the π + π − π + π − system is centrally produced, has been studied at 300 GeV/ c in an experiment designed to search for gluonic states. The π + π − π + π − mass spectrum shows evidence for the f 1 (1285) with a mass of 1281±1 MeV and a width of 31±5 MeV. In addition there is evidence for two new enhancements at masses of 1449±4 and 1901±13 MeV with widths of 78±18 and 312±61 MeV respectively. An analysis of the state at 1.45 GeV indicates that it is not a π + π − π + π − decay mode of the f 1 (1420) or ι η(1440) .

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Observation of Centrally Produced $\theta$ / F2 (1720) in the Reaction $p p \to p$(f) ($K \bar{K}$) $p(s$) at 300-{GeV}/$c$

The WA76 collaboration Armstrong, T.A. ; Benayoun, Maurice ; Beusch, W. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 227 (1989) 186-190, 1989.
Inspire Record 279351 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29801

The K + K − and K S 0 K S 0 systems centrally produced in the reaction pp→p f K K p s have been studied at 300 GeV/ c incident momentum. Both the K + K − and the K S 0 K S 0 mass spectra show large resonant production. For the first time in hadron collisions, clear evidence is found for the θ f 2 (1720) with parameters m =1713±10 MeV, Γ =181±30 MeV for the K + K − decay mode and m =1706±10 MeV, Γ =104±30 MeV for the K S 0 K S 0 decay mode. A spin analysis of the K + K − spectrum shows that for the θ f 2 (1720) J P =2 + is strongly favoured while 0 + and 1 − are excluded.

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Density matrix elements contributing in the fits of angular distributions in the F2PRIME(1525) region.

Density matrix elements contributing in the fits of angular distributions in the F2(1720) region.

Observation of Double $\phi$ Meson Production in the Central Region for the Reaction $p p \to p$(f) ($K^+ K^- K^+ K^-$) $p(s$) at 300-{GeV}/$c$

The WA76 collaboration Armstrong, T.A. ; Benayoun, Maurice ; Beusch, W. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 221 (1989) 221-226, 1989.
Inspire Record 276743 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29825

The reaction pp→p f (K + K − K + K − )p s in which the K + K − K + K − system is centrally produced has been studied at 300 GeV/ c . φφ production has been observed and the ratio σ (φK + K − )/ σ ( φφ ) is 1.0±0.3. The cross section for central production of φφ is found to be the same at 300 GeV/ c and 85 GeV/ c . An angular analysis of the φφ system favours J P =2 + over 0 − .

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Study of the $\pi^+ \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^-$ System Centrally Produced by Incident $\pi^+$ and $p$ Beams at 85-{GeV}/$c$

The WA76 collaboration Armstrong, T.A. ; Bloodworth, I.J. ; Carney, J.N. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 43 (1989) 55, 1989.
Inspire Record 276888 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15434

The reactions π+p→π+(π+π+π-π-)p andpp→p(π+π+π-π-)p, where the (π+ π+ π- π-) system is centrally produced have been studied at 85 GeV/c. The π+π+π-π- mass spectrum shows evidence for thef1 (1285) meson with a mass of 1278±2 MeV and width 41±12 MeV which decays mainly through ρ0(770)π+π-. Thef1(1285) is also observed in the ηπ+π- channel. There is no significant evidence for ηππ or 4π decay modes of thef1(1420). The ρ0ρ0 production is found to be small. A Dalitz plot analysis of the 3π system shows evidence fora2 (1320) production and for a large contribution of theJPC=1++ ρπ wave.

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A Spin Parity Analysis of the F(1) (1285) and F(1) (1420) Mesons Centrally Produced in the Reaction $p p \to p$(f) ($K^0_S K^\pm \pi^\mp$) at $p(s$) at 300-{GeV}/$c$

The WA76 collaboration Armstrong, T.A. ; Benayoun, Maurice ; Beusch, W. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 221 (1989) 216-220, 1989.
Inspire Record 276742 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29828

Results are presented of an analysis of the reaction pp→p f (K S 0 K ± π ∓ )p s at 300 GeV/ c . Clear f 1 (1285) and f 1 (1420) signals are seen. A spin-parity analysis shows that both are consistent with being 1 ++ states. The f 1 (1420) is found to decay only to K ∗ K and no 0 −+ or 1 +− waves are required to describe the data. The production of the f 1 (1285) as a function of energy is not the same as that for the f 1 (1420) whose cross section is found to be constant with energy.

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