Multijet events at large transverse momentum ($p_\mathrm{T}$) are measured at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV using data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb$^{-1}$. The multiplicity of jets with $p_\mathrm{T}$$>$ 50 GeV that are produced in association with a high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ dijet system is measured in various ranges of the $p_\mathrm{T}$ of the jet with the highest transverse momentum and as a function of the azimuthal angle difference $\Delta\phi_{1,2}$ between the two highest $p_\mathrm{T}$ jets in the dijet system. The differential production cross sections are measured as a function of the transverse momenta of the four highest $p_\mathrm{T}$ jets. The measurements are compared with leading and next-to-leading order matrix element calculations supplemented with simulations of parton shower, hadronization, and multiparton interactions. In addition, the measurements are compared with next-to-leading order matrix element calculations combined with transverse-momentum dependent parton densities and transverse-momentum dependent parton shower.
The cross section of the process $e^+ e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-$ has been measured in the Spherical Neutral Detector (SND) experiment at the VEPP-2000 $e^+e^-$ collider VEPP-2000 in the energy region $525 <\sqrt[]{s} <883$ MeV. The measurement is based on data with an integrated luminosity of about 4.6 pb$^{-1}$. The systematic uncertainty of the cross section determination is 0.8 % at $\sqrt{s}>0.600$ GeV. The $\rho$ meson parameters are obtained as $m_\rho = 775.3\pm 0.5\pm 0.6$ MeV, $\Gamma_\rho = 145.6\pm 0.6\pm 0.8$ MeV, $B_{\rho\to e^+ e^-}\times B_{\rho\to\pi^+\pi^-} = (4.89\pm 0.02\pm 0.04)\times 10^{-5}$, and the parameters of the $e^+ e^-\to\omega\to\pi^+\pi^-$ process, suppressed by $G$-parity, as $B_{\omega\to e^+ e^-}\times B_{\omega\to\pi^+\pi^-}= (1.32\pm 0.06\pm 0.02)\times 10^{-6} $ and $\phi_{\rho\omega} = 110.7\pm 1.5\pm1.0$ degrees.
The cross section for the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-$ is measured in the c.m. energy range 1.04-1.38 GeV from 995 000 selected collinear events including 860000 $e^+e^-$ events, 82000 $\mu^+\mu^-$ events, and 33000 $\pi^+\pi^-$ events. The systematic and statistical errors of measuring the pion form factor are equal to 1.2-4.2 and 5-13%, respectively.
The pion electromagnetic form factor has been measured at the VEPP-2M collider in the c.m. energy range 360 MeV–1400 MeV with the detectors OLYA and CMD. On the basis of all available data for the pion form factor collected in the timelike region, the following values for ρ-meson parameters were obtained: m ρ = 775.9 ± 1.1 MeV, σ ρ = 150.5 ± 3.0 MeV. The ω-meson branching ratio into π + π − pair, electromagnetic radius of the pion, ππ scattering length in the P-wave and the strong interaction contribution to the muon ( g − 2) value were found to be B ωππ = (2.3 ± 0.4)%, 〈 r π 2 〉 = 0.422 ± 0.013 fm 2 , a 1 1 = 0.033 ± 0.033m π −3 , a H = (68.4 ± 1.1) × 10 −9 .
We report on the measurement of the $\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ cross section from $E_\gamma = 11.8$ GeV down to the threshold at $8.2$ GeV using a tagged photon beam with the GlueX experiment. We find the total cross section falls toward the threshold less steeply than expected from two-gluon exchange models. The differential cross section $d\sigma /dt$ has an exponential slope of $1.67 \pm 0.39$ GeV$^{-2}$ at $10.7$ GeV average energy. The LHCb pentaquark candidates $P_c^+$ can be produced in the $s$-channel of this reaction. We see no evidence for them and set model-dependent upper limits on their branching fractions $\mathcal{B}(P_c^+ \rightarrow J/\psi p)$ and cross sections $\sigma(\gamma p \to P_c^+)\times\mathcal{B}(P_c^+ \to J/\psi p) $.
We report on the measurement of the beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ for the reactions $\vec{\gamma}p\rightarrow p\eta$ and $\vec{\gamma}p \rightarrow p\eta^{\prime}$ from the GlueX experiment, using an 8.2--8.8 GeV linearly polarized tagged photon beam incident on a liquid hydrogen target in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. These measurements are made as a function of momentum transfer $-t$, with significantly higher statistical precision than our earlier $\eta$ measurements, and are the first measurements of $\eta^{\prime}$ in this energy range. We compare the results to theoretical predictions based on $t$--channel quasi-particle exchange. We also compare the ratio of $\Sigma_{\eta}$ to $\Sigma_{\eta^{\prime}}$ to these models, as this ratio is predicted to be sensitive to the amount of $s\bar{s}$ exchange in the production. We find that photoproduction of both $\eta$ and $\eta^{\prime}$ is dominated by natural parity exchange with little dependence on $-t$.
We measure the spin-density matrix elements (SDMEs) of the $\Delta^{++}(1232)$ in the photoproduction reaction $\gamma p \to \pi^-\Delta^{++}(1232)$ with the GlueX experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. The measurement uses a linearly--polarized photon beam with energies from $8.2$ to $8.8$~GeV and the statistical precision of the SDMEs exceeds the previous measurement by three orders of magnitude for the momentum transfer squared region below $1.4$ GeV$^2$. The data are sensitive to the previously undetermined relative sign between couplings in existing Regge-exchange models. Linear combinations of the extracted SDMEs allow for a decomposition into natural and unnatural--exchange amplitudes. We find that the unnatural exchange plays an important role in the low momentum transfer region.
The GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab studies photoproduction of mesons using linearly polarized $8.5\,\text{GeV}$ photons impinging on a hydrogen target which is contained within a detector with near-complete coverage for charged and neutral particles. We present measurements of spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of the vector meson $\rho$(770). The statistical precision achieved exceeds that of previous experiments for polarized photoproduction in this energy range by orders of magnitude. We confirm a high degree of $s$-channel helicity conservation at small squared four-momentum transfer $t$ and are able to extract the $t$-dependence of natural and unnatural-parity exchange contributions to the production process in detail. We confirm the dominance of natural-parity exchange over the full $t$ range. We also find that helicity amplitudes in which the helicity of the incident photon and the photoproduced $\rho(770)$ differ by two units are negligible for $-t<0.5\,\text{GeV}^{2}/c^{2}$.
We report the total and differential cross sections for $J/\psi$ photoproduction with the large acceptance GlueX spectrometer for photon beam energies from the threshold at 8.2~GeV up to 11.44~GeV and over the full kinematic range of momentum transfer squared, $t$. Such coverage facilitates the extrapolation of the differential cross sections to the forward ($t = 0$) point beyond the physical region. The forward cross section is used by many theoretical models and plays an important role in understanding $J/\psi$ photoproduction and its relation to the $J/\psi-$proton interaction. These measurements of $J/\psi$ photoproduction near threshold are also crucial inputs to theoretical models that are used to study important aspects of the gluon structure of the proton, such as the gluon Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD) of the proton, the mass radius of the proton, and the trace anomaly contribution to the proton mass. We observe possible structures in the total cross section energy dependence and find evidence for contributions beyond gluon exchange in the differential cross section close to threshold, both of which are consistent with contributions from open-charm intermediate states.
We report a measurement of the $\pi^-$ photoproduction beam asymmetry for the reaction $\vec{\gamma} p \rightarrow \pi^- \Delta^{++}$ using data from the GlueX experiment in the photon beam energy range 8.2--8.8 GeV. The asymmetry $\Sigma$ is measured as a function of four-momentum transfer $t$ to the $\Delta^{++}$ and compared to phenomenological models. We find that $\Sigma$ varies as a function of $t$: negative at smaller values and positive at higher values of $|t|$. The reaction can be described theoretically by $t$-channel particle exchange requiring pseudoscalar, vector, and tensor intermediaries. In particular, this reaction requires charge exchange, allowing us to probe pion exchange and the significance of higher-order corrections to one-pion exchange at low momentum transfer. Constraining production mechanisms of conventional mesons may aid in the search for and study of unconventional mesons. This is the first measurement of the process at this energy.