Data from BEBC experiments are combined to provide large statistics for neutrino interactions. ChargedD* mesons are produced in (1.22±0.25)% of neutrino and (1.01±0.31)% of antineutrino charged current interactions. The mean fraction of the hadronic laboratory energy taken by theD*+ in these events is 0.59±0.03±0.08. Less than 18% of all chargedD* mesons from (anti)neutrino interactions are found to be daughters ofD**0 (at the 90% confidence level).
Mean fractional hadronic energy carried by the D*+- in the laboratory system.
Mean value of the Bjorken scaling variable X.
Rate of charged D* meson production per charged current neutrino interaction.
The results of total cross section measurements for theνμ,\(\bar \nu _\mu\) interactions with isoscalar target in the 3 – 30 GeV energy range have been presented. The data were obtained with the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector in the “natural” neutrino beams of the U-70 accelerator. Neutrino fluxes were obtained by averaging the spectra, based on the calculations with the use of the experimental data on secondary particle yields from the target and muon fluxes measurements in 9 gaps of the muon filter, as well as the spectra determined from quasi-elastic events and spectra defined by extrapolating differential distributiondσ/dy in the regiony=0. The significant deviation from the linear dependence forσtot versus neutrino energy is determined in the energy range less than 15 GeV.
No description provided.
No description provided.
This paper reports on measurements of the total cross section for the inclusive reaction vμ+N, as a function of incident energy. Neutrinos and antineutrinos with energy in the range 3
Data from 100 to 300 GeV are combined with previous measurements and errors have statistical and systematics combined.
Cross section using direct normalization.
Cross section using direct normalization.
The Fermilab 15-ft bubble chamber has been exposed to a quadrupole triplet neutrino beam produced at the Tevatron. The ratio of ν to ν¯ in the beam is approximately 2.5. The mean event energy for ν-induced charged-current events is 150 GeV, and for ν¯-induced charged-current events it is 110 GeV. A total of 64 dimuon candidates (1 μ+μ+, 52 μ−μ+ and μ+μ−, and 11 μ−μ−) is observed in the data sample of approximately 13 300 charged-current events. The number and properties of the μ−μ− and μ+μ+ candidates are consistent with their being produced by background processes, the important sources being π and K decay and punchthrough. The 90%-C.L. upper limit for μ−μ−/μ− for muon momenta above 4 GeV/c is 1.2×10−3, and for momenta above 9 GeV/c this limit is 1.1×10−3. The opposite-sign-dimuon–to–single-muon ratio is (0.62±0.13)% for muon momenta above 4 GeV/c. There are eight neutral strange particles in the opposite-sign sample, leading to a rate per dimuon event of 0.65±0.29. The opposite-sign-dimuon sample is consistent with the hypothesis of charm production and decay.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The cross-section ratio of neutral-current and charged-current semileptonic interactions of muon-neutrinos on isoscalar nuclei has been measured with the result:Rv=0.3093±0.0031 for hadronic energy larger than 4 GeV. From this ratio we determined the electroweak mixing angle sin2θW, wheremc is the charm-quark mass in GeV/c2. Comparison with direct measurements ofmw andmz determines the radiative shift of the intermediate boson mass Δr=0.077±0.025(exp.)±0.038(syst.), in agreement with the prediction. Assuming the validity of the electroweak standard theory we determined ϱ=0.990−0.013(mc−1.5)±0.009(exp.)±0.003(theor.).
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Neutrino and antineutrino total charged current cross sections on iron were measured in the 100, 160, and 200 GeV narrow band beams at the CERN SPS in the energy range 10 to 200 GeV. Assuming σ/E to be constant, the values corrected for non-isoscalarity are σv/E = (0.686 ± 0.019) * 10−38 cm2/ (GeV · nucleon) and σv/E = (0.339 ± 0.010) * 10−38 cm2/ (GeV·nucleon). Between 50 and 150 GeV no energy dependence of σ/E was observed within ±3% for neutrino and ±4% for antineutrino interactions.
Measured charged current total cross section.
Measured charged current total cross section.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Using the freon filled bubble chamber SKAT in the (anti)neutrino wide band beam of the Serpukhov accelerator we determine the neutral to charged current cross section ratios for neutrinos and antineutrinos below 30GeV. From these ratios we calculate in leading order a mixing parameter of the standard model of Θw=0.215±0.029.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).